Sarah Jeong

Her hire by the NYT editorial board seems to have become the story of the day. Thoughts from Robbie Soave.

[Friday-afternoon update]

The New York Times stands by its decision to hire Josef Stalin as part of its editorial board.

I have to say that the Babylon Bee is giving The Onion a run for its money lately.


[Update a few minutes later]

No, it wasn’t just a few hateful tweets. She seems like kind of an awful person. And hey, NYT, you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.

[Update a couple minutes later]

And more thoughts from Andrew Sullivan. Yes, she is a racist, easily recognizable as such by anyone not insanely leftist. Or if she’s not, she certainly does a great impersonation.

[Update Saturday morning]

Jim Treacher: The NYT has the right to hire racists. Yes, they’re finally being more transparent.

[Sunday-morning update]

Sarah Jeong is a sign of something very wrong with the Left:

Jeong was just exploring the space of this privileged position, secure that she could say just about anything without fear of blowback. Indeed, she had many defenders who refused to even acknowledge the possibility of another point of view about what she’d said. When you start from the premise that one group of people can’t be offended, you naturally wind up at the conclusion that anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest.

And that, leftists, is how you get more Trump. I’ve observed for decades that white men, and particularly Christians, is the last acceptable form of bigotry. Except they’re not accepting it any more.

19 thoughts on “Sarah Jeong”

  1. I love 2018 so far. It’s like God gave the keys to the universe to Monty Python and Hunter S. Thompson.

  2. That ought to be enough. A culture in which people are allowed to seek forgiveness, grow, and go on with their lives without losing their jobs is vastly preferable to one in which armies of trolls are constantly hunting for that one career-ending tweet, statement, or association.

    Sure but the only way to get the Democrats to come around to this position is to get them to live by the same rules they enforce on the other.

    Similarly, Jeong claims her statements were satire.

    This is a lie. There isn’t anything she said that we haven’t seen a million times from the SJW base of the Democrat party. It wasn’t satire and it wasn’t because of Johnson and the war. You know the NYT would have shown racist comments directed at her if they existed.

    This is just an effort to scapegoat innocents while portraying the lady as a victim in order to excuse her horrible views of other races. The NYT can’t exactly call her out on those views because those are the predominate views of the Democrat base, especially on Twitter and the rest of the internet.

    1. I agree, the tweets don’t look like satire. One only needs do a substitution game here. Replace white with black, and she’d be dropped faster than someone can name Rosanne Barr. I support free speech and freedom of association, so I’m fine with the NYT doing what it does. But supporting free speech doesn’t mean we need to forgive bigotry like this. It is right to call this stuff out and to shame the people that promote it. The NYT is now an overtly racist, anti-white propaganda media company. It should be recognized as such, and treated appropriately.

  3. Yet another case of a SJW mouthing off and saying the vilest things (projection anyone?) and then backing down and trying to make excuses about it.

    Sorry, the first 15 times that notable people did that, we might have accepted the apology – or in this case the excuse.

    but it’s happened so many times that we can no longer accept that it was a “mistake”. It was purposeful and revealing and I, for one, do not accept their excuses and/or apologies any more.

  4. The Reason article is unconvincing. If she was white and had made those comments about any other race, there is no way in hell the Times would have hired her no matter how much she groveled and apologized. The fact that they did hire her speaks volumes.

    Of course, this is what is being taught in universities today. Only white people can be racist, and white people are innately racist. Any resentment that people of color have towards white people is justified because of the evil nature of white people.

    The New York Times should drop the charade and change its name to Der Stürmer.

    1. Of course, this is what is being taught in universities today.

      Ding ding ding.

      Anyone who follows popular culture on the internet knows this is just normal SJW ideology and behavior and that it is what is being taught in all levels of schools.

      When they came for the gamers, I didn’t care because…

  5. The Reason article struck me as utterly unreasoned. They imply that because she now says (does she even do that?) it was aping things said against her, there’s no evidence, at all, that this is true, or that such things were even said to her.

    Also, and more importantly, this is no time for high-minded principle. While I agree, ethically, that a few tweets shouldn’t tar someone for life, it is needful to ram the standard the left imposes to others down its throat. Allowing hypocrisy against oneself is always unwise.

    On the other hand, I’m glad The Times hired her. It’ll make the sarcastic flames heaped upon them the next time they call out a conservative for far less just oh so much more effective.

    BTW, I have long thought that Trump calling the media “the enemy of the people” was going too far. However, this incident, and others like it, have convinced me otherwise.

    1. I’ve been convinced that the media was the enemy long before Trump came along.

      In the Soviet Union, the editors and reporters of Pravda told lies and spread propaganda for fear of being arrested and sent to the gulag. The American media does it willingly.

      The media gave us Obama. If they had shown the slightest curiosity about his mysterious past and his associations with radical Marxists and Muslims, he never could have been elected. But they just swept all that under the rug and called anybody who brought it up a racist.

      They better hope and pray they never get what they truly deserve.

    2. So Rush claimed to review the archive; and he claimed that Trump never called the media “the enemy of the people”. Trump said “Fake News is the enemy of the people”, which is comparable to Obama claiming fake news was a threat to a democracy. Except Obama went further by suggesting stuff like: “We could pass laws that punish lies that do not infringe on our constitutional rights.“.

      All Trump did, make that Trump’s staff did, was tell a misbehaving WaPo actress, who calls herself a reporter, that she couldn’t continue to disrupt meetings. Is that the type of punishment Obama was suggesting?

      Anyway, I think the only people speaking the phrase “the media is the enemy of the people” is CNN in attempt to suggest Trump is fomenting hate. Which when you consider it; it really is just CNN fomenting the hate by misreporting events.

    3. Oh, and I agree that I’m happy NYT is deciding to come out and proud with its racism. I’m tired of their silly pretense, and not it is gone.

    4. I believe what he said was that fake news is the enemy of the people. It was a news outlate that claimed he said that the media is the enemy of the people.

  6. Yes yes, shocking. Unfortunately it’s standard boilerplate at many elite universities. Just think of this as a small foretaste of what the culture will be like when whites are a true minority.

    1. From what some American Gen-Z kids have said about life in their school where whites are a minority, they’ve already had a foretaste of this kind of behaviour.

      There’s a reason polls show them to be the most conservative generation in decades.

  7. Just because you are black, doesn’t mean you “get” to hate blacks.
    Or if white hate white. Or Chinese hate Chinese.

    But anyone should or could hate the Chinese government.
    Chinese billionaires can be cool, but obviously they are as narcissistic as are most billionaires.

  8. If a large part of the SJW movement is embracing racisim such as this (and they are) then the historical parallel is becoming ever more clear; white people who support them and vote for them are akin to Jews who voted National Socialist in the early 30’s. After all, all there was then, really, was rhetoric plus a smattering of street thuggery. But the signs were all there, just as they are now – the far left is laying out its Gleichschaltung, just like the Nazis did then. The only difference is, whites are the scapegoat of choice this time, though of course, socialists being socialists, anti-semitisim is there as well.

    When it comes to the radical left, I no longer support the cornerstone of American society: the peaceful transfer of power. And that’s something I never thought I’d ever hear myself say.

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