
I and others have been pointing this out since Trump was elected, and it just continues to get worse:

So, you think that there’s a bumbling madman in the White House who is Literally Hitler, and that the military is made up of reactionary goons who swear fealty to this guy, and the police of the nation are engaged in a coordinated conspiracy to straight-up murder oppressed minorities…and also those are the only people who should have guns. Your worldview is wack.

No kidding.

[Afternoon update]

OK, Andrea Mitchell, I wish you loons could make up your minds. Is Trump Hitler, or is he Stalin?

19 thoughts on “Irony”

  1. I’m pretty sure that Charles C. W. Cooke couldn’t find a single person who would fit that description, so I’m calling straw man.

    1. “The Resistance” is a Democratic party psyops program. The politicians demanding suppression of gunsmithing information are almost all Democrats. QED.

    2. I’m pretty sure you think that because you live in New Zealand, and Cooke is talking about American politics. But your argument is hilarious when all one needs to do is click Bilwick’s link prior to your straw man to watch it burn down in flames.

    1. ROFL! Seriously? Both Rand’s and Bilwick’s links have the same quote from Charles C. W. Cooke. The only difference is Rand links to someone that links to Cooke’s twitter account and Bilwick links directly to Cooke. You’re hilarious today Andrew! I’m enjoying watching you step on rakes.

      1. Bilwick’s link does not have that quote on it, at least it’s not in the conversation about “the resistance” that Bilwick links to.

        1. It’s the exact same tweet at both links. Geez, Andrew, back off on the sauce. Cut down the rage machine long enough to actually read what you plan on criticizing.

  2. Give Mitchell credit for not blaming Trump for the shooting at the newspaper. It is good to see her pushback against that popular belief.

    But I do think that he has very deliberately set up the press as the enemy of the people. I don’t feel that I am the enemy of the people.

    No she feels that she is an ally of the people in trying to depose an elected President. Trump has a similar view where the DNC media acts as an enemy to him and his people but he is more correct in using “the” people as the way the DNC media is acting is bad for everyone not just Republicans or Democrats.

    They carefully craft deceits to manipulate the masses while they should be trying to report the truth and being honest about their biases. Advocacy driven media that is neither truthful nor honest is… well it is how media acted for much of our history and the public needs to get back to viewing journolists with the same respect they had in the past, very little to none.

    Also, it is insane that the DNC media is upset at being booed but then can’t cover the widespread violence, bullying, and societal excommunication that people experience at the hands of the Democrat party. This is both organized and unorganized and illustrates some very deep problems with Democrats.

    1. This is CNN trying to build up this notion that Trump attacked them first. The fact is Trump’s support came from those tired of Republicans treating any commentary from CNN as serious.

      CNN’s manipulation of events are now legendary. They shared debate questions in advance with only one of the candidates. They choreographed a protest. Along those lines, they fell for a Russian backed Anti-Trump rally and gave it coverage it never deserved. This is just the 2016 things; but we know it goes back further. It’s not journalism. It is active advocacy, which is fine if they’d admit it up front. Instead, they want you to believe their red apple is a banana.

      Alas, you’re right that it is insane that coverage of actual political violence against the right is ignored. From the Berkeley riots to fleeting coverage of the assault on the Republican softball team. There is real violence being stoked by Democrats, who to this day are encouraging supporters to make Republicans, whether elected officials or just staffers, feel uncomfortable. Calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazi’s just provides rational for progressives to attack.

      1. Yes, we can’t forget Crowley and the Obama/Romney debate.

        CNN also helped the Obama administration with their Russian collusion smear and then hired Clapper to comment on it. They have skin in the game as a participant in this ongoing coup attempt.

  3. “OK, Andrea Mitchell, I wish you loons could make up your minds. Is Trump Hitler, or is he Stalin?”

    I don’t get excited when people draw parallels between specific actions of someone in history and some noddy living today, such parallels exist. If someone is claiming X is doing what Hitler did on such and such and issue, and the response is faux outrage – instead of a refutation of the claim, it probably means that the claim is true.

    1. Ok Andrew, you silly kiwi; when Hitler ordered Operation Himmler which caused the Gleiwitz incident, and the international community was outraged; that means Poland really did attack Sender Gleiwitz? Or was that somehow genuine outrage, despite the fact that nobody came to the defense of Poland? I’m asking, since you seem to know Hitler so well that you can see him existing in other people even today. And I’m not questioning your knowledge of Hitler, because I know Hitler was a socialist too, just like Stalin.

    2. I don’t get excited when people draw parallels between specific actions of someone in history and some noddy living today, such parallels exist.

      You are right that those parallels do exist but in this case, a parallel to Hitler and/or Stalin doesn’t exist and in fact, Trump is on the exact opposite side of the political spectrum of Hitler/Stalin.

      The media never makes these associations between people who hold the same views as Hitler and Stalin or we would see them challenge Obama, Hillary, Bernie, Occasional Cortex, and other progressive marxists. Instead they scapegoat opponents and victims of marxists for the crimes and views of marxists.

    3. If Trump really was like Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao, or Che, or Castro, etc… (huh, they all have one thing in common. Hint: NOT RIGHT WING!), the people shrieking loudest wouldn’t be able to make such claims in the first place. Not in public, at any rate.

      1. Not like; they are claiming Trump is. And if you don’t refute the is; then it must be true, because this is the critical thinking skills of people that think Trump has anything in common with Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao, or Che, or Castro, etc… Stalin called these people useful idiots.

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