8 thoughts on “The Next Big Republican Spending Bill”

    1. I guess we will see. Democrats only won in PA because party leadership imposed a candidate on the party, similar as to how Hillary became candidate. That wont work in all the races and while Democrats don’t mind a top down system, they want their own faction on top.

      Running candidates that are not representative of the party can have some short term gains, however, it will end up offending people who fell for the trick and also alienates the socialist base. How this plays out in election cycles after the midterms is uncertain but the ascendancy of the racial chauvinist identarian marxists has not reached its peak.

      Democrats should be eternally thankful that they control the media so that the ideology motivating the people they put in the streets is never revealed to the general public. This is why we have seen so much censorship directed at internet based platforms but it wont last. This SJW nonsense isn’t a tiger that can be rode.

  1. The Stupid Party never fails to disappoint.

    Their behavior is that of a lottery winner– never expected to win, to be where they are. That’s why they blow it all on cheap, immediate gratification because they expect to lose the next election. No attempt to save and invest. Plus, they seem to like the scraps that the Dems will give them when things are back to normal.

  2. #5 is “Restoration of the Export-Import Bank”

    I know that progressives tend to oppose Ex-Im as both corporate welfare and as a means to further indebt already impoverished nations in the name of improving the US trade balance (and thus extending US hegemony, blah, blah, …), but do we know just how much its activities really do help reduce our trade deficit?

  3. Are we surprised? This is what the Republican Party is. Um, are. Those whom conservatives call Republican in Name Only (RINO) are what the Republicans actually are and have been for many long decades. They are socialist lite, dedicated to the Leviathan, and totally unconcerned with their base support, who they have made too afraid to vote for anybody else.

    There are very old jokes about them “snatching defeat from the jaws of victory,” but they have done it too many times to be coincidence or accident. Long Live the Omnipotent State!

    1. It’s liable to get ugly. Until the fake conservatives are finally purged they will continue to feed the beast that is the federal government. I believe that group includes ALL the current Republican leadership.

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