One thought on “Light Posting”

  1. Reposting this so it isn’t lost on the other thread:
    Offtopic. But what are your thoughts on the XS-1?
    It seems kind of like a pork chop toss to Boeing more than anything to me. What can someone like Boeing do in 3 years like the plan says is supposed to be the time until the test vehicle launch? Boeing has proved unable to do a capsule in 3 years. So how does DARPA think they will develop a vehicle that fast?
    Not to mention that the whole project seems awfully ill timed to me. What with the Raptor and BE-4 engines still in development. Or perhaps that is the whole point they don’t expect them to actually achieve anything.

    It would make a lot more sense IMO to make this a prize. i.e. the first, second, and maybe third to launch a rocket that can meet the requirements get a prize. With a higher prize for those that finish first. With the prize ceremony conducted after the contest time expires. I think this would mitigate some of the issues we had with the X-Prize. I think the winner takes it all approach kinda deflated the possible outcomes.

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