President Narcissist

Surprisingly, Trump referenced himself much less in his joint-session speech than Obama typically did.

There’s a long piece to be written about all of the media criticism of Trump for things that Obama in fact did much more. But he was the Lightworker, so it was OK.

[Update a few minutes later]

Was last night the night the Democrat Party died?

We are in a new era. I’m 95% excited but 5% blue about what is happening — not because I have even an iota of regret about leaving liberalism, especially now. But because, as Trump himself said the other day, we need a two-party system and I strongly suspect, even with the unlimited pockets of George Soros, the Democratic Party, at least as we know it, is dying. All those crazy protests at town halls and the mass demonstrations of women racing around in vagina hats are the death throes of a movement with nothing to say.

It would be nice, but I doubt it.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The “new” Democrats’ coming-out party bombed last night:

Perhaps they felt the scene was exploitative, as several news personalities pointed out on Twitter, which is fine, but this was the party that rolled out Gold Star family members Khizr Muazzam Khan and Ghazala Khan during the Democrat National Convention and paraded them around cable news for a week in response to Trump’s flippant comments. Maybe, just maybe, both families, Khan and Owens are deserving of ovations. If the reason Democrats can’t rise and applaud the widow of a fallen service member, or victims of violent crime, or American companies based in the heartland of the country is fear of a backlash from their base, maybe the base they are catering to is the problem.

May be.

What a concept.

[Thursday-morning update]

“The compassionate soul of the Democrat Party died at 9:50 PM Tuesday night.”

That would be the “compassionate” Democrat Party that fought to preserve slavery, and Jim Crow, and now fights against quality education for black kids to preserve cushy teachers’ jobs, right?

11 thoughts on “President Narcissist”

  1. After the socialist follies, complete with millions of deaths, of the Nazi’s the Soviets, the Chinese, Vietnam etc etc etc, you’d think the lefty moonbats would learn a thing or two and question their premises.

    But no.

    So the Democrat Party didn’t die. It never dies. Socialism doesn’t die. Mainly because it’s less a philosophy by the Socialist power structure than it is a means to power. This is what the moonbats never grasp:

    they are being used. People like our Beloved Jim don’t understand that the Power Elites on the left use them and laugh at them simultaneously.

    The fight will never die because the specious siren song of “for the children” and “speaking truth to power” and “the rich have more than their fair share” will always find gullible, unthinking suckers.

  2. …unless…

    We start getting serious about merit which was touched on with regard to immigration (but I’m thinking across the board.). I also like that he clarified that he’s president of our country, not of the world (so much for him being Hitler.)

    I have a dream where the two parties are both conservative and for liberty. Just hashing out the details with reality and reason.

    I hope the left just keeps doing what they’re doing. It was so nice of them to self identify with the white jackets. We should send them all Marg Sanger T-shirts.

    1. According to NBC News, “The move is a nod to the women’s suffrage movement, which encouraged followers to dress in white as a symbol of purity.”

      White is the new burqa.

      1. When Melania Trump wore a white dress at the Republican convention, it was denounced as racist.

        So while Trump appeared flawless on the Cleveland stage Monday night, whether she intended it or not, her all-white ensemble displayed the kind of foreignness that is accepted by her husband’s political party. To many, that outfit could be another reminder that in the G.O.P. white is always right.

        Four years ago, Republicans fretted about trying to diversify their base, in the wake of Barack Obama’s clear voter mandate. This time around, with Trump at the top of the ticket, it’s obvious that ship has sailed. On Monday night, Melania Trump was a not-so-subliminal billboard for what’s looking like the Trumpian view of an ideal America.

        And if that’s the fashion statement she intended to make, it’s a very scary one.

        But as with everything else, it’s different when Democrats do it.

  3. Are those the recycled lab coats from when Obama used a bunch of phony “doctors” as props when he unveiled Obamacare?

  4. It was a bunch of unforced errors, is what it was. Refusing to stand or applaud for a whole bunch of “Everyone in America is behind this” lines, or even to stand for Ryan’s wife, looks bad as it is; wearing those white dresses just made that refusal to stand even more glaring. It was like spitting in the baptismal font while wearing neon green. And I expect GIF’s of the ‘thumbs down’ moments to be appearing all over the place around next election time.
    This was one of those “NY Mets vs Podunk Peahullers” moments: Sure, Trump gave just one monster of a good speech; but the Democrats worked hard at making him look good too.

    1. The Democrats continue to clarify their new position as the Anti-American Party.

      If Trump can do most of the things he’s said he wants to do, they’re done at the next election.

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