We Have A New POTUS

I’m glad Obama’s gone. I’m less thrilled that we have Trump. As others have noted, it was a pretty protectionist inaugural address.

But I’m happy with his picks, and I think that Gelernter would be a good pick for science adviser. And here’s one more reason Trump won.

[Update a couple minutes later]

And yes, Trump should defund the National Endowment for the Arts.

27 thoughts on “We Have A New POTUS”

      1. “The dollar index fell 0.37 percent. It has risen about 3.5 percent since Trump’s Nov. 8 election victory”

  1. I read Gelertner’s book Mirror Worlds when it came out. It was ok, nothing shocking, but science fiction as well as real computer science had primed me by that point. But I didn’t see there, and I don’t see anywhere else, any evidence that Gelertner knows anything about physics, chemistry, or biology (let alone aeronautics and astronautics) which is quite a contrast with the scientists who have been science advisor to the President in the past. (See the experience of the people on this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_Advisor_to_the_President)

    Really, I don’t see any science-related for you to like him, Rand, although of course I see plenty of partisan reasons why.

    1. Wasn’t John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, an advocate of mass abortions and sterilizations back in the 70s?

      1. That has little to do with David Gelertner’s knowledge of science, but it might be my fault that you’re asking it (see below), so I’ll answer it. The answer to your question is: No, absolutely not.
        You can easily google this information for yourself, but have a link:

        Have another link:

        Why Jon’s question could be my fault: I was obliquely bringing Holdren by mentioning astronautics. Wikipedia says: “He trained in aeronautics, astronautics and plasma physics and earned a bachelor’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1970 supervised by Oscar Buneman.[10][11]. And I’ll add that the title of his Ph.D was “Collisionless Stability of an Inhomogeneous Confined Planar Plasma”.

    2. Considering the corrupt, incompetent, neo-soviet people Obama packed his staff with, Trumps picks are a breath of fresh air that harken back to the competent people following WWII and during the 80’s.

      Democrats complaining about staff is just absurd. Why even pay attention when their views change faster than the tide? Manning and Wikileaks are heroes again. Last week they were cause for WWIII and starting a revolution.

      1. And don’t forget that Trump is now crazy and evil for putting America first, whereas last week he was a Russian stooge.

        The left has gone into a complete meltdown since the election.

        1. But putting America first is just what Putin wants him to do while Obama and Hillary putting Russia first was exactly what Putin didn’t want.

    3. This notion that somebody like the President’s science adviser must be well versed in dozens of fields is ridiculous. Pretty much anybody who gets a bachelor’s or master’s degree in physics, chemistry, engineering, etc., at a reasonable college will have plenty enough expertise in enough fields to serve in a position like President’s science adviser. A PhD is usually more harmful than helpful to most people’s intellect.

  2. Getting rid of that Marxist, nation-hating, economy killing, health-insurance destroying, destructive man-child couldn’t happen fast enough.

    Michelle’s face was throwing daggers as Trump gave his speech. I loved it.

    I took Schlichter’s advice and looked at the pain on Hillary’s face…and laughed. Still, I do give her credit for showing up.

    Looks like Hillary caught Slick Willie oogling Ivanka..or Melania…


    Eventually Slick Willie noticed the Death Stare but he didn’t care hahahahahahaa

    The speech was ok. It has things I like and things I don’t like. BUT……

    To give THAT speech right in front of Obama, Michelle, Schumer, and Pelosi…why he was denigrating everything they stood for – right to their faces. THAT I liked.

    The one thing you can say about Trump – he has a pair.

    1. It was funny when Michelle went over to the other former Presidents and First Ladies and shook Hillary’s hand and then immediately turned her back when Hillary tried to engage her in conversation. Hillary didn’t know quite what to do so she did that weird head thing like at the Dem convention.

      Michelle was just not stop scowls and Obama tried to bully Trump into skipping their photo together.

    2. To give THAT speech right in front of Obama, Michelle, Schumer, and Pelosi…

      No to mention in front of the central power brokers of the other party as well…

      My wife keeps telling me to wipe this stupid grin off my face. I can and do, but like novacane wearing off it keeps on creeping back. I mean… Rick Perry as the new Energy Secretary…

      I’ve told her I’ll try harder going forward, but will reserve the right to allow it to stay in place for a full week when Scalia’s replacement is sworn in.

      I know there’s a very healthy share of Mingo’s here, but good lord what a time to be alive.

      1. Curt writes:

        “No to mention in front of the central power brokers of the other party as well…”

        Very true. Very true. They are on notice too.

        But look how fast the GOP caved on the Ethics issue when Trump sends them one teensy little twitter.

        They folded like an old kite.

        And I agree with Trump – the two establishments of the two parties are only interested in themselves.

        I think Peggy Noonan said it best:

        It was an unmistakable indictment of almost everyone seated with him on the platform.

  3. Looking at all of the Democrat party organized and funded violence this weekend, what is the over/under on the use of IEDs before Trump is out of office?

    Arson, beatings, and destruction of property are already very common. But with the talk of revolution and a constantly ramping up the intensity of action, it looks like Democrats could be returning to their roots in domestic terror attacks.

    1. Increasing violence from the left seems inevitable. Throwing tantrums is what they do when they don’t get their own way.

      But, this time, the have a President who won’t have any qualms about taking all lawful measures against them.

      And, thanks to Obama, ‘all lawful measures’ now includes droning them.

      1. They think of non-Democrats as unhumans and view all actions taken against them regardless of legality or ethics as justified, if not required, by the unhuman status of those they hate.

        When there is no moral restriction but rather a moral obligation to act out, it can lead to some ugly things.

        They still do not realize how their views of other people lead to the election’s outcome. And they don’t have the self awareness to comprehend that just because they accuse someone of something doesn’t mean they are.

        The most important lesson that Democrats could learn is that just because they are against something, doesn’t mean everyone else is for it and vis versa.

      2. “Droning” rioters shouldn’t be needed. Prosecuting them, and pressuring them to turn on organizers, should prove more productive.

  4. That was the best inaugural address I’ve heard in my lifetime. What a barn-burner!

    Of course, Lincoln’s second inaugural address was before my time. I’ve read it, but I didn’t actually hear it.

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