10 thoughts on “Anti-Matter”

    1. It’s expected to fall down you know. Showing it does otherwise would be a huge violation of the equivalence principle.

    2. Several years ago I read about an experiment in the works to measure the effect of gravity on antimatter. Given the lack of prominent follow-up, I presume they got results consistent with leading theory, that antimatter behaves just like the familiar flavor of matter.

    1. Didn’t Rand post something about this in the last month? Diamond batteries that run off nuclear waste or something.

  1. Sure would be nice if we could figure out how to a) manufacture in quantity and b) use it for propulsion, and c) make anti pasta out of it.


    1. Antepasto (as in antechamber — for the room, antebellum — prior to the Civil War, and in your case “before the meal”).


      Sheesh, there are probably people out there who think the word is “anti pasta” and it means “against the pasta course”?

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