Why Didn’t She Destroy All Of The Benghazi Emails?

Because in addition to being corrupt liars, utterly indifferent to national security, she and her team are incompetent dolts. But that shouldn’t be news to anyone who’s been paying attention for the past quarter century. Which is unfortunately far too many people.

Is there any point at which the Democrats finally come to realize that she and they just aren’t up to the job? They can’t even do a decent cover up.

5 thoughts on “Why Didn’t She Destroy All Of The Benghazi Emails?”

  1. She has gotten away with things for so long , she has no fear. How anyone could vote for a person like that is beyond me.

    I guess some people hate Trump more than they love America.

  2. “She has gotten away with things for so long ,….”

    Also she saw how the MSM provided endless cover for Obama’s failures and stupidities and thinly disguised socialist activities and figures they will be in the bag for her as well.

    if the MSM doesn’t harp on an issue, it’s hard to get 70% of the nation aroused.

    1. Well, Obama put the word out that the Earth is the most peaceful ever and that reporting on sex slavery, genocide, and other atrocities isn’t fair and that no one would care as long as they didn’t know. The media went right along with that and we don’t get much coverage of places like Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, or even Syria.

      The thing Obama and his media overlook is that the Earth is the most peaceful ever except in places where Obama has practiced smart diplomacy or been in charge of undeclared wars.

  3. Because destroying EVERY trace of an e-mail message on a server is HARD, let alone in the world. Especially when you are “wiping it with a cloth”. (Wouldn’t it be funny if BitDefender would release a “cloth” version of their software?)

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