Supersized Idiot

I heard an interview with Morgan Spurlock on NPR when his crdocumentary on McDonald’s came out, and thought him a fool as a result. The basis of the movie (as I understand it, based on the interview–I haven’t actually seen it) was that fast food was bad for you. He apparently, and admittedly demonstrated this by ordering the worst possible things from the McDonalds menu for weeks on end, and foregoing exercise. I leave the illogic of his thesis, and means of proving it, to the reader.

Now we find out that he’s been giving insulting and obscene speeches to high-school students, including making fun of the special ed students. His “apology” is pathetic, as many of his commenters note.

[Via Joanne Jacobs, whose important new book on education you should purchase this week, to help make her birthday on Friday a happier one]