28 thoughts on “Trump And Climate”

  1. “I think a lot of supporters are going to be very disappointed if he wins.”

    A Yuge number of supporters will be disappointed if he wins.

  2. You keep posting about his ‘past’ and things he “may do” if elected, but we all KNOW what Hillary will do if in office. More government interference with: More EPA Actions to fight AGW, Higher Minimum Wage, Higher Taxes, More Gun Restrictions, Amnesty for 11 million, a for sure Liberal Judge (or 2) on the Supreme Court.

    Meanwhile, folks like you will sit back, complain for 8 years, but say “I voted for ” and be very self righteous about it.

    Trump at least won’t go after guns, won’t give amnesty, and will at least put a moderate conservative on Supreme Court. Enough for me.

      1. Predictions are hardly ever 100% wrong or 100% right.

        That still allows you to predict with some level of accuracy. That also allows you to discriminate between those areas of relatively known and unknown. People support Trump because his known matter. The reason he doesn’t take damage from hits is because those opposed to him are telling known. It’s hilarious when somebody comes up with something they think should damage Trump when it’s already factored in.

        Trump has some relatively known areas and in those he beats Hillary. Game theory tells you what to do in such cases. You hold your nose and pull the lever.

      2. Regardless, Rand, we do know what Hillary will do. You trash talk him so much I’m starting to wonder if you’d rather have her for President.

          1. “evil”

            That’s a strong suggestion you don’t actually know what that word means.

    1. “Trump at least won’t go after guns, …”

      There’s absolutely no reason to believe this.

      “…won’t give amnesty,…”

      Absolutely no reason to believe this

      “and will at least put a moderate conservative on Supreme Court”

      Absolutely no reason to believe this.

      I don’t have any idea what Trump would do…and neither do you.

      All you (and I) know is what he’s said. And he’s flip flopped and reneged on many of those things already.

      He has not impressed me as a straight shooter.

      Yes, Hillary is worse. But when you say:

      “Meanwhile, folks like you will sit back, complain for 8 years, but say “I voted for ” and be very self righteous about it.”

      You actually can read minds eh?

  3. Supporting Trump after learning he supported in the past the opposite of what he now professes would be like supporting Mit “I invented Obamacare” “Romney to get rid of Obamacare.


  4. I’m already disappointed and I’m hoping he wins.

    He’ll grow in the office as most do. Money matters to him. He will treat America’s budget like real money coming from real people.

    You keep saying he tells people what they want to hear? That’s a good thing because as president we can hold him to it.

    By the end of his term you’ll be telling us how he accidentally got a lot of things right but none of them were his fault.

    1. He will treat America’s budget like real money coming from real people.

      He’s already said he’ll attempt to renegotiate the debt, as though we were in bankruptcy.

      1. I hadn’t heard. That’s good news. Ross Perot (before going completely around the bend) pointed out how stupidly America locks in short term high interest debt.

        I don’t want to see the dollar weakened, but doing nothing is even worse.

        1. I hadn’t heard. That’s good news.

          No, it’s not. Guess what it would do to future interest rates for treasury instruments. A country is not a business.

          1. Future rates should go up in recognition of the true position these politicians have put us in. We shouldn’t be running such debt.

            I don’t see an actual renegotiation, but I think a restructuring of future debt isn’t out of line?

        2. Trump’s proposal — to reduce the debt by giving T-bill holders a haircut — would be a financial disaster of epic proportions. In one fell swoop it would convert U.S. debt from the safest investment on the planet into a junk bond.

          That sort of tail risk is the best reason for Republicans to vote for Clinton. They won’t like anything that she’ll do, but she’s a conventional Democrat, and no more a threat to the nation than Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. Trump is anything but conventional, and there’s no telling what he might do.

          1. Thinking Trump is a disaster waiting to happen isn’t the same as thinking Hillary! is any more qualified for the office. We are being asked to choose between a shit sandwich and a shit scuffle’. Neither looks appealing to me.

          2. “You told me that if I voted for Goldwater we would be in a quagmire land-war in Asia, I went ahead and voted for him anyway, and look what happened . . .”

          3. That sort of tail risk is the best reason for Republicans to vote for Clinton.

            Sure, then we’ll get a Progressive supreme court justice to lock in anti-constitutional laws for decades to come.

            Nice try.

            Trump says these things, such as renegotiating our debt, but I don’t believe him. The reason why I don’t is because he’ll have better informed advisors.

            He’s embarrassing when he spouts his mouth with such ignorance. However, Hillary once said her favorite book is Rules for Radicals. And she will double our debt, just as Obama did. Thanks for enslaving our grandchildren, by the way.

          4. The reason why I don’t is because he’ll have better informed advisors.

            What makes you think that? Look at the advisors he’s picked so far. Do they seem well informed? Have they tempered Trump’s actions or statements?

      2. We are in bankruptcy now; we are only seemingly afloat because the Federal government unlike a private entity or even a state or local government can simply print money; which we are doing by the boatload.

      3. The Federal government is already functionally bankrupt, held afloat by artificially low interest rates. Though I’d prefer the government do something like sell off BLM lands to pay down the debt, rather than default.

  5. But don’t call him a Democrat!

    Unified GOP opposition to climate action is a fairly recent phenomenon. If memory serves, McCain, Gingrich and Romney were all for climate action at various times. I don’t think that makes them Democrats.

    1. climate action has been tied to another false idea of shortage of energy
      and shortage of energy is connected to Iran revolution and Iran and Iraq war- a real shortage/disruption in world energy oil supply.
      One could say it was real shortage in very cheap oil, but with fracking one back to the realm very cheap natural gas. And with technology improvement and wise investment there fairly cheap oil available for couple centuries.
      I think with develop of markets in Space, we entering a Era of essentially unlimited and eventually very cheap energy.
      So anyhow, it seems Earth will warm about 1 C within 100 years- and this will be helpful, and we don’t have energy shortage in our future.

  6. Still beats me why anybody would lend money to a government, ever.
    When you want it back they are likely to stick an AK or M16 up your nose, if they haven’t already stolen most of it through inflation they have engineered.

    1. Still beats me why anybody would lend money to a government, ever.

      The U.S. government has an excellent track record of paying its debts in full. That’s why people all over the world are willing to lend it money at low interest rates.

  7. –I think a lot of supporters are going to be very disappointed if he wins.–

    I don’t think so. I think they will be very happy if he wins.
    They want an outsider and he is outsider.
    I think a lot of supporters will be very disappointed if he loses.
    If Clinton doesn’t do what she promises [which not sure what this is]
    I don’t think many of her supporters will be disappointed.
    It seems main reason her supporters will vote for her, is that she is a woman and if elected will be first women President, and second reason is she is the democratic nominate- has been for years.
    I think it’s possible that if Clinton becomes president, many are going to wish that Trump was the President. And I think Trump will run against Clinton in 2020- and I doubt there will be republican candidate which win against him in the primary. And in 2020 primary, Trump will not need to self fund. It seems quite predictable as he has gotten more republican primary votes than any other republican candidate- ever.
    And entire primary including all candidates also smashed records in terms of past Republican primaries
    Though this is not counting the possibility of Trump somehow self destructing. So self destructing would include, Trump not being Trump- or Trump saying something too weird and crazy probably is not path of self destruction.
    I think for Trump to have chance of winning, requires him giving something like the Contract for America- so specific items which he will attempt to do. Of course, Clinton does not need to do this- and probably a bad idea for her to do this- because those voting for her, simply want a woman as President.
    So if Trump is elected and he does not doing whatever he promised to do, I can see people who supported him to be very disappointed.
    And if there are very disappointed, I would imagine Trump will be the most vulnerable president to become impeached, ever.
    The only thing which oppose this idea of being impeached, is if Trump does not do what he said he would do AND the Congress “for some reason” becomes excessively enameled with this Outsider. Which seems excessively, unlikely.
    The other option is Trump is elected and tries to do what he said he would do, and for various reasons is unable to do it. Therefore his supporters will be disappointed with him- though unless he does something obviously criminal, he probably will not be impeached.
    Or basically he would like Clinton who didn’t promise anything, though with Clinton her past crimes may catch up with her, and could be grounds for her impeachment [it will because cover-up attempts related
    to this crime- as is typical].
    So if Clinton has big crimes and she tries to cover-up, she also has good chance to be impeached. She has high unfavorables with the general public and seems that with Congress she could have even higher unfavorables- add in a good reason to impeach, and seems there will be very little hesitation to proceed with it, and probably tack on Bill Clinton’s crime when he was the president- so impeach both the president and first guy [their “co-presidency”].
    I don’t think Trump will be in a hurry to make his “Contract for America”- or don’t expect it within next 2 months. And also it will be important in terms of whether Trump is elected, of who his VP pick is.
    Who he picks as VP could be related in part to him self destructing. Or who VP is, will be more important than is usual in presidential races.
    And I have no clue what would be a good VP pick.
    Though I don’t think Newt Gingrich would be a good pick. I could be wrong, and I like Newt Gingrich [especially in terms of space policy].
    I would guess that a younger person would be a good choice.

  8. I see a parallel here with the Minnesota race in the 90s.

    Minnesota got Jesse Ventura because he was an outsider. The dems and republicans had weak candidates that everybody hated. The public perceived these candidates as being party cronies.

    It was nice to see the parties get the middle finger, but Ventura was a mediocre governor at best.

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