8 thoughts on “No Sex Dolls, Please”

  1. Given the way PC is defining Rape these days, these dolls may be the only to personal satisfaction – until someone gives them ‘rights’ 😉

  2. My brother used to have a dog that was loyal and affectionate. He used to say, “if only I could have this dogs brain in a woman’s body.” Ok, but it didn’t sound so creepy when he said it. It really was a good dog.

  3. The Dr. Kathleen Richardson quoted in the article reminds me of a warning I received shortly after joining the Navy – “There are women who not only want nothing to do with you; they don’t want any other woman to have anything to do with you either!”

  4. “This tech is inevitable, barring a civilizational collapse. Which it may cause”

    Not sure how it would collapse civilization. Will it cause the population to “collapse” maybe? Because guys in 3rd world countries (where the bulk of the human population is being born) who struggle to afford three squares a day will stop having sex with their womenfolk and instead buy/rent/lease >$100K “sexbots” instead? The only people who be able to afford expensive “realistic” looking sexbots will be high end rich people who have low fecundity anyway. Though I am leaving out from consideration brothels which would no doubt crop up specializing in sexbots; don’t know if they would be more or less expensive than a live woman would be

    1. But if Billy has no job and no money than how does he pay for the no doubt expensive Marilyn Monroe bot? Who builds and maintains them? How are they paid? And like I said how do all those males worldwide most of whom are poor pay for it? You really think the going rate for a young “bond woman” in some third world country isn’t allot cheaper than a sexbot? Yes I know it is a farce/satire but still.

  5. “The dolls have multiple personalities, warm skin and their ability to learn is so realistic that they can even have orgasms.”

    What’s realistic about any of that?

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