Trump’s Campaign Staff

Remember, he hires the best people.

Remember when Obama’s people claimed that he could manage the government because his campaign was being run so well? Well, Trump can’t even manage a campaign.

[Update mid-afternoon]

Why I’ve changed my mind on Trump:

I realized — like I was shot with a diamond bullet — that there is no “there” there. Trump has no ideas, no philosophy, and no governing principles. He is little more than a salesman selling himself. He is a hollow man, a stuffed man, headpiece filled with straw.

Not only doesn’t he know much, he doesn’t care to find out, which is much worse to my mind. Read this article from Spengler about how Trump doesn’t read. (“What I noticed immediately in my first visit was that there were no books,” says D’Antonio. “A huge palace and not a single book.”) If somebody like this were to run the foreign policy of the world’s most powerful country, it would be an unmitigated disaster. In a narcissistic fit, he may start World War III without a clue as to what to do after it begins. Only then will it dawn on him that not everything in the world is a transactional deal.

Once I realized this, other examples became evident. There are Trump’s extensive ties with top Democrats, like Senator Harry Reid and the Clinton family, as well as establishment Republican figures like Senator Mitch McConnell. There is also his (very recent) past support of left-wing causes, including illegal immigration. Most tastelessly, he has personally attacked conservatives who have been fighting the good fight for a lot longer than Donald Trump has, and with much fewer resources. Take his disgraceful feud with Michelle Malkin. Donald, Michelle was pulling her weight back when you were cutting checks to Anthony Weiner and employing illegal aliens.

A con man, a show man, and empty-headed buffoon.

29 thoughts on “Trump’s Campaign Staff”

  1. –“The bottom line is that Donald Trump has won 21 states. He is the clear frontrunner in this race. He is the only person who can secure the nomination through the delegate acquisition process,” Lewandowski said. “What you’re going to find today in Wisconsin is this race is going to be a lot closer than people think, and this is a state, Wisconsin, that Ted Cruz must sweep in order to stay in this race.”

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    That seems like a good summary.
    Ted Cruz needs a miracle, let’s see if God gives him one.

    1. Trump is in more need of a miracle than Cruz is. The only way for Trump to win is to get to 1237, whereas Cruz could prevail in a contested convention. He’s doing everything necessary to prepare for that, in terms of getting delegates lined up for a second ballot.

      1. Trump is the only one that doesn’t require a miracle to get to 1237. Bias is causing some to miss the obvious.

          1. Yes, I agree. And we will soon see.
            Wisconsin is wacky place.
            Birth of Republican party, birth place of progressive party, socialists elected, and etc. And big differences
            between congressional districts.

            I am more interested in how Kasich does- or by interested, I mean there could wilder than expected results. I don’t think he will get 20% and I think the non running Marco Rubio could get about same amount of votes as Kasich does- but also think I could be wrong.
            What I look forward to, is Bernie Sanders doing very well and throwing the whole election cycle in doubt- causing the unthinkable to happen.

        1. Yes, Trump only needs 66% of the remaining primary votes to get to 1237. No bias there.

          If Trump doesn’t get to 1237, Cruz will beat him in a contested convention.

          1. –If Trump doesn’t get to 1237, Cruz will beat him in a contested convention.–

            Well, what I think people seem to miss is that there is +150 delegate who are not bound. And if Trump is a clear leader of the primary race, a large portion of the unbound could vote for him in the first ballot. They could vote for Trump not because
            they like him, but because they don’t want a contested convection and want the party unified- or they could even like trump and want the chaos and not vote for him- who knows, or if delegate want to be treated as important [and be rewarded] they might want it on the wild side.
            Such uncertainty also could favor Cruz were he to come somewhere near the 1237 number. Or it’s a tighter race for both if the goal is say 1100 rather than the 1237 bound delegates.

          2. Well, what I think people seem to miss is that there is +150 delegate who are not bound.

            Even most of Trump’s bound delegates aren’t going to be thrilled to vote for him. Hard to imagine any unbound ones doing so. They know it’s not possible to unify the party behind a Democrat.

          3. –Even most of Trump’s bound delegates aren’t going to be thrilled to vote for him. Hard to imagine any unbound ones doing so. They know it’s not possible to unify the party behind a Democrat.–

            Well, obviously Trump decided to run in Republican primary.
            And I am not someone who spends much time indulging in conspiracy theories.
            I am not someone who fits in the politician spectrum of a conservative
            republican. I am not much of fan of ideology in general whether it’s conservative or Lefty. I fit in political spectrum of libertarian [not europe’s view of libertarian, btw]. But also I am not a fan of the silly ideologies of libertarians. So I am libertarian though not tempted to favor libertarian parties nor have ever been a fan of Ron Paul or Rand Paul.

            In terms of ideology- it’s pretty simple, I oppose the Left.
            And Europe is swimming submerged in the Left. And America has too much of the Left.
            The Left is a pseudo science ideology. It’s stupid and insane- but more importantly, it is dangerous. I believe America started the Left- both in terms of French revolution [where Left became Left] and later by American politicians in early part of 20th century [and before].
            The ideology of the Left bred other pseudo science ideologies, such racism, population control, and eugenics.
            I believe that Christianity is barrier to such wacky ideologies- though obviously Christianity is another ideology- but generally this ideology bears good fruit, so it’s actually a good ideology, whereas most ideologies are evil or simply stupid [hard to tell difference between stupid and evil].
            So I have some respect for the judo-christian religions, and much disdain for pathetic replacement religion of Marxism.
            So perhaps one can see why I tend to favor conservative republican- in terms of politicians. Though politicians in general [including conservative] are not creatures I have any faith in. Or agree somewhat with Mark Twain.
            I do have some faith in idea of competition ideas or ideologies.
            And have no fear of Cruz and Trump being the President – certainly less fear than I had for Obama as the president.
            And with Obama there was always the hope that he would destroy the Dems- which I believe now, that no one could possibly have done a better job than Obama did.
            One can merely look at Dem candidates, Clinton and Sanders
            as evidence of this destruction that Obama has wrought on the Dems.

            Anyways except for Rand Paul, I was and I am supportive of all of the 16 [or whatever] republican primary candidates. Any lack of enthusiasm
            of any of them [including Rand Paul] would be connected with their ability to win against Clinton [or Sanders].
            Trump of course exceeded my expectation in terms of his ability to win elections. I believe Trump has been tested. I don’t believe that Cruz or Kasich has been exposed to the type onslaught that any Rep candidate would exposed to during the general election. Likewise I don’t think Clinton or Sanders has been exposed to whatever they would face in general election.
            Of course an election is quite different than being a president. I know that Clinton and Sanders would be lousy presidents. Though it is somewhat questionable whether either will be worst than the worst President in modern times. I think in terms of “race relations” either could be better than Obama. Though Clinton may cause an even larger increase in gun sales than compared to what Obama has managed to do. The good news is it’s unlikely Clinton or Sander could win a second term. So perhaps, their winning will mean a delay to total destruction of the Dems.
            One thing is certain, is the Obama will have left America in very bad shape. And of course, he has really screw up the world.
            So Clinton or Sander have zero chance of recovery from what Obama has done- hence the unlikely chance of a second term.
            If Cruz is elected [not a great chance of this] he would have very difficult job getting re-elected also. I don’t think a Cruz president would get much done. But that would be ok, and certainly better than Obama.
            I am not generally a big fan of presidents doing much- so for me, that’s a plus for Cruz.
            Now Trump is going to do something- seems he must do something, or die of boredom- so that counts as minus for Trump.
            If Trump is ineffective as President- than that’s not anything I worry about.
            Nor do imagine Trump could damage the Presidency or America image in the world. If Trump builds the wall, I will be happy- and that seems likely.
            Main thing a like about republican candidate is that they don’t believe in global warming.
            The next interest I have is related to space exploration.
            Lack of faith in global warming should result in economic growth and space exploration will result in economic growth.

          4. Well, obviously Trump decided to run in Republican primary.

            And Bloomberg did as well. It was about where he thought he could win, not what party he was. In his case, he’s a much more egregious con man.

          5. –Rand Simberg
            April 5, 2016 at 5:45 PM
            *Well, obviously Trump decided to run in Republican primary.*

            And Bloomberg did as well. It was about where he thought he could win, not what party he was. In his case, he’s a much more egregious con man.–

            As I said, “politicians in general [including conservative] are not creatures I have any faith in. ”
            Though I agree with obvious that many of the politicians appear to be less egregious con man than Trump.

            Maybe, I would prefer to be able to have faith in a politician, but then again, to be realistic, that seems to be excessively optimistic.

  2. Should he make it to the White House, he will do what he has always done: cut a deal with the likes of Schumer and McConnell.

    Trump is such a loose cannon that people fear he will govern like an establishment candidate. It is strange to see people use the attack that he will work with both parties, and be successful at it, as a negative when every other candidate claims they will do that and it’s a positive thing.

    Trump comes off as chronically uninformed, which is a turn off, but so do all the other candidates. His ideological background is rather squishy, like most politicians. He has created an image, like Obama, that allows people to project their desires onto him but people project both positive and negative views onto him. Why is a negative projection more truthful than a positive one? The reality is probably somewhere closer to the middle.

    What I would like to see, is someone ask Trump about his medicare proposal. It sounds a lot like Sander’s position.

  3. So if Trump gets within 150 of 1237 and they must vote for him on the first ballet all he has to do is pay off the 150 to put it away.

      1. –And you’d be perfectly happy with him winning in such a corrupt way?–

        It’s not corrupt- it’s a primary selection. It could/should get you prison sentence if it was instead a general election.

        It’s the reason the founding fathers disliked the idea of political parties- believing that whole idea of having parties was corrupt.
        But basically it’s up to the states, in terms whether a state has bound or unbound delegates.
        And of course such things as dem’s Superdelegate is not something decided by the public directly electing a delegate.
        Or no one has to use parties to be able to run in an election, but as practical matter they must to get their name on the general election ballot. Though one could have every voter “write in” any person they wanted to vote for.

        Political parties are not government, rather they participate in governmental elections.

        Anyone can start their own political party- it’s not governmental decision- but such a party would have follow the rules of all the various states involved. And of course political parties make their own rules.
        Basically it’s up to the unbound delegate [or btw a Superdelegate- which essentially are the same thing] as to what they want, so with a “undecided” [assuming un-bound] delegate, a candidate can ask them what would “help them” make a decision to vote for them and of course the flip side whether a candidate can and be willing to deliver it.
        Of course a delegate can “test” a candidate, as can candidate “test” a delegate, but simple cash being involved is possible.

        This is why a contested convention is so much fun- after first ballot most delegates become un-bound.
        Could be utter madness.
        And btw this is what Kasich says he wants [why most people think he is somewhat insane].

        1. It’s not corrupt- it’s a primary selection. It could/should get you prison sentence if it was instead a general election.

          It might not be illegal, but that doesn’t mean it’s not corrupt.

          1. –It might not be illegal, but that doesn’t mean it’s not corrupt.–
            Well to reduce corruption one wouldn’t have non bound delegates or Superdelegates. But the states and the parties want this.
            So Dems have somewhere around 700 Superdelegates- which are assigned to “important” or various kinds insiders or politicians.
            In terms of comparison to republicans which have about 1/2 as many assigned delegates, this roughly equal to about 300 republican delegates.
            The republican have about 150 non bound delegates, such non bound delegate can be the same kind political types or “Joe the Plumber” types.
            So if corrupt, the republican are about 1/2 as corrupt [or less] as compared to the Dems.
            Or if you want less corruption have all the delegates bound, and also have delegate stay bound after first ballot- say, 2 or 3 ballots or like Utah delegates, forever- until released by their selected candidate.

            But one has non bound candidates [or superdelegates] because some states and the parties want them to be non bound- and it allows it to be more flexible.
            Or in ordered to be fair, the rules are fixed before the primary begins and one can get all kinds of unpredictable kinds of primaries- and both the Dem and Republican primary were weird this time- republicans had huge amount of candidates and Dems basically had one, Clinton. But the odd ball Bernie somehow became a real candidate.
            It’s possible the republican might try something like Dem superdelegates next time, because it’s more unlikely to cause a contested convention. Or that superdelegates are party members it’s is more likely to do things in the interest of the party [in theory] but it’s more inherently corrupt.
            Of course this is changing process in terms of how primaries are done- pre mid-century they were nothing like this- but I would say present primaries are less corrupt than these primaries of the past.

          1. I worship the creator, not Trump. No president will solve our problems… “It does not belong to man to direct his own step.”

            I asked you before what’s the con and you were unable/unwilling to say. We know Cruz is conning us as that link exposes.

            “let your kingdom come. Let your will be done. On earth as in heaven.”

            No human govt. will stand. It’s just a matter of time.

          2. I asked you before what’s the con and you were unable/unwilling to say.

            I don’t even know where to start, but trust me, if you don’t see the con, you’re the mark.

          3. So slander is all you have?

            Politicians have lied to Americans for decades. So who’s the mark?

      2. …you’d be perfectly happy with Cruz winning in such a corrupt way? Using superpac money rather than his own?

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