10 thoughts on “Trump”

  1. If Trump were as bad a candidate as everyone thought he wouldn’t be leading the field the way he is. I don’t like him all that much, but at least he’s bothering to run.

    Compare him to, for example, Ryan, I’m not sure Ryan wants to keep control of Congress for the Republicans any more…

  2. I don’t buy the “Trump is trying to help Hillary” theory, and never have. The reason is Trump’s massive ego; no way, no how, do I see him being willing to play second fiddle or minion to anyone, for any reason.

    I agree with those above; the hyper-linked question would be better suited to Paul Ryan.

  3. Forgive me all for thinking such…but I think if Trump gets the Republican nomination he will beat Hillary Clinton in the general election, despite current poll numbers suggesting otherwise; and I am speaking as a pretty much life-long democrat as far as my voting record in Presidential election. (excepting voted Gary Johnson the Libertarian in 2012) My feeling about Trump could be summed up as:

    “Do I think Trump would actually bar entry to the US of all Muslims? Of course not; no more than he could actually “build a wall” on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it. He’s already backed off on that statement by acknowledging that Muslim US citizens who travel abroad should certainly be permitted to return. But he is forcing the country, and especially the spineless political class, to face the reality that there is a real problem with Islam and domestic terrorism is a serious manifestation of it. I think he’s right that we need to exercise far more caution in permitting Muslim immigration (including supposed “refugees”, most of whom do not meet our statutory definition of the term) and issuing travel visas to people from Islamic countries. (The whole visaless entry process needs to be re-examined, too, thanks primarily to you Europeans who are permitting wholesale migration of Muslims into the Eurozone; you’re likely to lose your visaless travel privileges here as a consequence.) And we should be closely monitoring the movements of Muslims entering the country on tourist and student visas, and aggressively acting to be sure they don’t overstay their welcome. Today we do none of that, which is simply insane.

    Trump is a consummate negotiator (as well as a showman), and among the basic rules of negotiating are to ask for more than you expect to receive and to include some things in your offer which you are prepared to abandon. (Someone I know refers to his income tax filing as “a first offer toward a negotiated settlement”, and he always includes a few deductions he knows will be disallowed so he has some bargaining chips to give away.) Trump is asking for the moon and he knows he won’t get it. But he’ll get far more than he would by taking a more measured approach.”


  4. Trump hasn’t even begun to dig in on Hillary yet. A lot of Democrats are unhappy with their party because of Obama, the way Democrat cities treat minorities, and because their primary is rigged. He can certainly depress their turnout. He might even be able to get some Democrats to vote for him.

    Republicans are turning to Trump because they feel their party likes to kick them in the nuts. Well, some Democrats feel the same way. Where will they turn?

    I am curious why no one is asking Bernie if he is contemplating a 3rd party run. That could sink Hillary. And why shouldn’t he consider one considering the way the DNC and their media treat him?

    Also, who knows, maybe Hillary will go to jail and Bernie will be the candidate.

    1. Sanders has already shown his willingness to run outside the Democratic Party, so yeah, why wouldn’t he go Third Party? Heck, one could argue that his entire strategy is to make the Socialist Party a viable party.

  5. Y’know, if you fold a piece of tinfoil just right it makes a nifty hat.

    If John McCain had wanted to get Barack Obama elected president, what would he have done differently?
    If Mitt Romney had wanted to get Barack Obama reelected, what would he have done differently?
    If GWB Senior had wanted to get Bill Clinton elected, what would he have done differently?
    The “Trump wants Hillary as President” trope only emerges form total stupidity if you ignore how incompetent the actual Republican candidates have been for the last generation.

  6. Being the only one right on Immigration doesn’t make Trump a conservative. What’s conservative about advocating for single payer? What’s conservative about supporting imminent domain? Where’s Trump’s call to curb spending? What’s conservative about picking fights with FNC but turning the other check when the Liberal media insults him ? What’s conservative calling Ben Carson an “ok doctor” but turning the other cheek when Joe Biden calls him a racist?

    Cruz has been fighting the good fight against Immigration AND spending for as long as he’s been there without the egomaniacal preening and the counter-productive insults. And if he wins he’d actually know how to do something productive

    1. I hear and don’t disagree except for this:
      Where’s Trump’s call to curb spending?

      Well, I agree I haven’t heard the call from Trump. But here is the thing, I have heard the call from Republicans. It was the argument for winning the majority in both houses of Congress. “Give us the majority, and we will curb Obama’s spending.” Well, we heard the call, they got the majority, and now we have to hear complaints about Trump with a knife sticking in our backs? Sorry, GOP claims of curbing spending are now defunct. W didn’t do it. McCain would not have done it. Obviously Paul Ryan isn’t doing it. So the only value for the GOP to make that claim is to treat their base as LIV and piss on their legs. At least Trump isn’t pissing on my leg.

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