15 thoughts on “Putin In Syria”

  1. But we’re establishing a dialogue with Russia:


    That’s all you have to do as a liberal. If you are in talks, then somehow, some way, you are achieving success. Iran could be dropping nukes on Israel and as long as they promise to be good little boys, the liberals will be satisfied. We see in North Korea the utter denial of the democrats on how the Clinton Administration failed to prevent nuclear proliferation. There are people in these comment sections who refuse to admit to this catastrophe.

    I am amazed by the naiveté of the left when it comes to dealing with an enemy. Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of Nonviolent Communication has a hold over these people like Jim Jones had over his cult. I would love to get some feedback on this.

    1. Iran could be dropping nukes on Israel and as long as they promise to be good little boys, the liberals will be satisfied.

      Or even, if they promise to talk about it at some point. We’re making progress!

      I am amazed by the naiveté of the left when it comes to dealing with an enemy. Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of Nonviolent Communication has a hold over these people like Jim Jones had over his cult. I would love to get some feedback on this.

      Eh, if you’re interested in substance-free entertainment.

    2. “I am amazed by the naiveté of the left when it comes to dealing with an enemy.”

      Your amazement is due to the mistaken idea that the left doesn’t want America destroyed.

    3. Indeed. See also, “the peace process.”

      Where and when has “the peace process” begotten anything but more violence? Ever? Anywhere? But the Left loves it, hands out Nobel Prizes for this most repugnant of pious mummeries, in which the British negotiate with Irish mass murderers, in which Israelis bare their throats for the Arab knife, and the killing goes on, and on, and on, and on.

    1. That’s the whole trouble with the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals manual for community organizing.

      Those tactics don’t work against a guy . . . who was KGB.

      1. Indeed. These are the people who created the modern Western left as a subversion program, to destroy the West so the Soviet army could just roll in.

        They know their own tactics inside out.

      2. Dirty little secret. Putin was a lousy agent; impulsive without thinking through the implications of his actions. This is why he was posted to more out-of-the-way stations.

        Not such a hotshot after all.

        But yes, even a blind turtle could outflank Obama. LOL.

  2. One of the major goals of the Cold War was to prevent Russia from getting a foothold in the Middle East.

    Sheesh. They can have it…

  3. “A blind tortoise could outflank Obama.”

    True, very true. What, then, does that say about the Republicans in Congress, whom Obama outflanks daily, sometimes just for fun?

    1. It says that the GOP Establishment are spineless feckless, cowards who are more interested in gaining and using power than in doing what their constituencies put them in there to do.

      1. You’re partly correct. The Republicans in Congress are very interested in gaining power. They have power but they’re unwilling or incapable of using it to stop Obama.

        1. “They have power but they’re unwilling or incapable of using it to stop Obama.”

          Which is what I meant when I said:

          “[power acquisition and use rather]….than in doing what their constituencies put them in there to do.”

  4. That was a misleading headline, btw. I expected it to be about Putin actually visiting Syria. I was looking forward to reading his Yelp review of the hotels. His best one so far was the well-known “Putin on the Ritz.”

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