15 thoughts on “Obama’s Handling Of The Economy”

  1. Most people just do not understand economics. To them, bad economies just happen spontaneously. The only question to them is how much the President appears to care.

    We were mired in a Great Depression for pretty much all of FDR’s tenure, yet the people loved him. Incredibly, few stood up and thought, “you know, this here Depression’s been going on an awfully long time – maybe it’s him.”

    Even with the War, things didn’t really turn around until the New Deal tide had been reversed, with the election of a Republican Congress and the defeat of Truman’s “Fair Deal” attempt to clamp back down. It helped that virtually all our significant industrial competitors had been bombed to pieces.

    Paul Krugman, et al., think we can repeat the post-War resurgence if we just spend as much as we spent during the War. Cargo Cult economists like him don’t stop to consider that other conditions fueled that resurgence. It’s all post hoc ergo propter hoc and wishful thinking with those fools.

  2. Incredibly, few stood up and thought, “you know, this here Depression’s been going on an awfully long time – maybe it’s him.”

    To be fair, millions did. Just not enough of them to beat him in an election.

  3. I wonder how many of the 65% think Obama hasn’t intervened in the economy enough.

    For anyone who thinks governments can only make things worse it’s easy to look at large disapproval numbers with glee, but many of the people represented by those numbers think government is a capable of making things better, and so only “disapprove” because they want to see the government do more.

  4. “It occurs to me that this coming January will be the seventh anniversary of when the Democrats first put their boot on the neck of the American economy.”

    As others have said, much of the problem is that a lot of the voting populace don’t know whose ass to kick (to use another Obamaism).

  5. Get used to it, folks. After the “Republicans” pass amnesty (see if they don’t!) there will never be another non-Dem President. Not that McCain and Romney would have been all that much different, both seem fans of Leviathan.

  6. What’s wrong with the rest of them?

    Some of them are profiting handsomely from the Obama administration. They like things just fine. Others are only concerned about getting more government “free stuff.” They aren’t hurting so they like things just fine. And others just don’t know any better.

  7. Obama’s problem with the economy is that he has followed the bush policy.

    Instead of changing course, he basically executed the Bush Policy with much smarter people.

    1. Really? He kept the Bush tax cuts, did he? And had no major policy differences with Bush on, oh, say, health care? I could go on and on.

      1. I think, Ed, that dn-guy means “the Bush policy of not turning the US into a complete fasccist state, where smart people like me and my fellow geniuses could direct the economy.”

        That, or he’s being a deliberate, conscious parody of how stupid the Left has become in recent decades. When I was young, there used to be a joke about how a low- or middle-brow “is someone who thinks David Susskind is an intellectual.” (You kids will have to look Susskind up on Wikipedia.) Nowadays, it’s someone who thinks of Jon Stewart and Bill Maher as cogent, incisive commentators on current events.

      2. Obama extended the Bush tax Cuts for 3 years and
        he extended the Afghan War for 5 years and he kept forces in
        Iraq for 3 years.

        On Health care, Obama extended Medicare Part-D instead of rewriting
        Medicare Part-D into a more conventional program, and specifically prohibited
        HHS from negotiating prices for drugs. HHS under Medicare-D and now Obamacare
        pays far higher prices for drugs then DoD or VA does for their medical sstems.

        Obama continued the growth of the National Security State, growing TSA,
        and continuing the growth of NSA. He grew the number of Drones, and drone
        strikes and kept on as his SecDef Bob Gates.

        Bush initiated TARP and Obama released 50% of TARP funds to wall street
        without any conditions.

        Obama followed the Bush policy and did not indict a single major player on wall street for
        trillions of dollars of fraud.

        Romney for all his whining wasn’t able to distinguish himself from Obama because Obama had far too many bush era policies in his portfolio.

    2. If Bush is as stupid as the Democrats claim, Obama would have to be even dumber to continue those failed policies. However, neither is true. Bush is a lot smarter than the Democrats claimed, Obama shows no signs of true intelligence, and he didn’t continue most of Bush’s policies. Obama let the Bush tax rate reductions expire, effectively raising taxes during an economic slowdown. He also pushed through various stimulus plans that didn’t improve the economy, increased the regulatory burden on everyone and established strong incentives to cut employment.

      I’ll grant that Obama might be book smart but he’s reading the wrong books.

      1. Bush is “liberal” (and by “liberal” I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted, State-fellating, power junkies”) Democrats’ Arthur. No, not King Arthur. When I was a nerdy, geeky nine- or ten-year-old, there was one kid in the neighborhood who was even more of an out-of-it misfit than I was. His name was Arthur. I could divert other kids from picking on and ridiculing me by mocking and ridiculing Arthur. (I am pretty ashamed of this now, but kid-dom is a jungle.) Bush serves the same function for “liberals.” No matter how stupid the things they say and believe, and no matter how often their irrational policies produce harmful results, they can always point at Obama’s predecessor and shout “BOOOSH!” as a way of saying, “Pay no attention to how much of a dildock I am.”

          1. …so in other words, what you’re saying is that GWB, blind drunk, was a better and more capable President than Barry Obama has been, sober?
            Thanks for admitting it!

          2. Bush admitted he drank too much and quit at age 40. After that, he was a businessman and twice elected governor and president. Obama was an active pothead (Choom Gang), graduated law school, never held a real job for any amount of time, and in far too many people’s mind, was worth electing twice. Once in the job, he has proven inept. Perhaps all that teenaged pot smoking was more harmful than Bush’s drinking.

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