The President was so mad about the oil spill from the destroyed Deepwater Horizon driiling platform that he said on TV he wanted to know “whose ass to kick.” Now he’s so mad about Obamacare’s lousy website that he’s going to help write some code? Apparently he doesn’t want to kick the ass of anyone who works for him. I wonder why not? Pathetic.
“I’ll bet Obama knows as much about coding as he does about governing.” Yes he does: approximately zero.
Obama better hope they never get the coding right. People are complaining about the increase in costs now. They don’t seem to have grokked that it gets bumped up again next year and the year after to get to the levels they want it to be.
The website is only the most visible of the Obamacare errors but it is symbolic of “comprehensive” legislation in general.
The President was so mad about the oil spill from the destroyed Deepwater Horizon driiling platform that he said on TV he wanted to know “whose ass to kick.” Now he’s so mad about Obamacare’s lousy website that he’s going to help write some code? Apparently he doesn’t want to kick the ass of anyone who works for him. I wonder why not? Pathetic.
“I’ll bet Obama knows as much about coding as he does about governing.” Yes he does: approximately zero.
Obama better hope they never get the coding right. People are complaining about the increase in costs now. They don’t seem to have grokked that it gets bumped up again next year and the year after to get to the levels they want it to be.
The website is only the most visible of the Obamacare errors but it is symbolic of “comprehensive” legislation in general.