13 thoughts on “More People Have Signed Up To Go To Mars”

  1. But if you did make the two-year trip to Mars, you’d still have to carry proof of health insurance under Obamacare, even though it would be physically impossible to access a participating hospital.

  2. It also helps that the people involved in the former actually know something about the subject they are working on.

  3. Rand, come on, this isn’t a fair comparison; we all know that signing up for the Mars One mission is more attractive, simply because in so doing, your personal chance of going to Mars is far higher than your chance of getting anything out of Obamacare (aside from a fat rate increase and a migraine). So comparing the two really is unfair.


  4. I asked someone who is “middle management” in their workplace (i.e. takes guff from superiors as well as subordinates) that if they could raise a million dollars to pay for a one-way trip as a colonist to Mars, if they drained all of their retirement savings and mortgaged everything they own and that could pay for this once-in-a-lifetime and life-changing trip . . . who would they send?

  5. A challenge to all “liberals” (and by “liberals” I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted State-fellators”): Go to Mars. Set up a colony where you can practice your voodoo economics and illogical, faith-based principles to your warped, slavish little hearts’ content, free of pesky Tea Partiers, non-Esdtablishment Republicans, pro-freedom bloggers and all those other people “Il Dufe” denounced the other day. (He should be the first to go, and name the colony “Alinskyville.”) See how your stupid ideas work out there–and then leave the rest of us, who don’t want to be serfs, the hell alone.

    1. Why that sounds exactly like how North America was colonized. Statist oriented, majoritarians
      populated North America leaving Europe to be a collection of independent, libertarian nations.

    2. They’ve already created a colony here on Earth. It’s called “California”, after a place that used to be part of the old United States. And it’s just as squalid, corrupt, nonfunctional, and filthy as you’d think it would be. Everyone who can is desperately trying to leave.

      1. So, kids, tune in next week for another exciting adventure of Space Admiral Gerrib and Commander Jim in “Statists in Space!” Next week’s episode: “Everybody dies.”

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