2 thoughts on “The Media Continues To Shore Up A Failed Presidency”

  1. I agree with the article, but I really wish everyone would quit equating Stevens to the other three. As a former Marine, I grieve for the families of the two Marines killed while trying to save the ambassador. As for Chris Stevens himself, fuck him. He was an anti-Semite and Islamophile with ties to Arabic terrorist organizations. He helped to engineer the chaos in Libya. He was killed by his own stupidity and naivete. Unfortunately, so were two good Marines.

  2. CNN had an interview this morning about how we are just now learning that AQ might have been involved in the 9/11 attack in Benghazi. Of course no mention of the emails which showed we knew this on 9/11. They were very careful to go out of their way to point out this was something that was not previously known.

    MSNBC just has stories about how Mormons hate gays and Republicans think God wants all women to be raped.

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