18 thoughts on “As Long As We’re Talking About Mitt’s Tax Records”

  1. What will be interesting to see, especially given the calls by Republicans like Gov. Perry and conservative publications like National Review to release his tax records, is if this becomes a deal breaker for Gov. Romney and he quits the race. In that case many Republicans will get what they have been hoping for, namely a reboot of the nomination process through a brokered convention. It will be interesting to watch how this story develops.

  2. What will be interesting to see, especially given the calls by Republicans like Gov. Perry and conservative publications like National Review to release his tax records, is if this becomes a deal breaker for Gov. Romney and he quits the race.

    That notion is more lunacy from you.

    1. Rand,

      What are you smoking these days you are so nasty? Both Gov. Perry and the National Review have called for their release. Just google and you will find both statements.

      So the question at what point does Gov. Romney say enough is enough and quit is a legitimate one. And it might be a good outcome for the Republicans given the lack of enthusiasm for Gov. Romney among the Republicans in general. Or do you think Gov. Romney is the best the Republicans have to offer this year?

      1. Republicans have been playing “nice guy” to Democrat demands for decades, and it’s a losing proposition. The fact that National Review recommends something is of no consequence whatsoever. Romney has no legal obligation to provide anything beyond what he has, and it’s perfectly legitimate for him to refuse anything else — especially since his opponent won’t release documents to Congress in pursuit of a legal investigation, among many, many other things.

        As for Bee-Ho’s assertion that Romney may be a felon, I know that we can’t really conclude that Obama actually is a child molester. In fact, it’s impossible for us to tell whether he is or not…

      2. What are you smoking these days you are so nasty? Both Gov. Perry and the National Review have called for their release. Just google and you will find both statements.

        So the question at what point does Gov. Romney say enough is enough and quit is a legitimate one.

        I apologize, Tom. I hadn’t previously recognized just how far out of touch you were with political reality. I guess I should have done so when you equated the Tea Party with the John Birch Society.

        1. Rand,

          You know I really feel sorry for you. Since President Obama has been elected you have moved farther and farther to the fringe, cheered on by a handful of posters here who have also seem to have been pushed over the edge by President Obama’s election. It’s the classic example of how positive feedback causes a group to shift to an extreme position. I truly hope President Obama is not re-elected as I hate to see how much further it will push you.

          This blog used to be a good place to have a rational discussion. Now it appears the only ones you tolerate are the “yes” posters who agree with whatever you say.

          What is especially sad is that you are no longer able to tell the difference between an opinion and observation.

          My post was not an opinion as you seem to be reacting to, it was an observation. Namely that if the pressure on Gov. Romney to release his taxes gets too great he may call it quits, and since he is not the official nominee, and won’t be until the Convention, it may result in a brokered Convention, something you even seemed to favor a few months ago …


          Yes, it would be tragic is he was heckled out of the race, but its not lunacy as many others have quit politics over much less. And for the record I don’t think a person’s tax returns are anyone’s business, not even if you run for political office so I don’t think he should release them. But that is my opinion, not an observation.

          Really Rand, step back and just look at what you are becoming.

          BTW I won’t be responding to whatever you post as I don’t think it will help. But remember, I didn’t vote for President Obama, I voted for Senator McCain, so I am not your enemy as you seem to think.

          1. Spare your sympathy for someone in need of it. The notion that Mitt Romney is going to remove himself from the race over his tax returns is so politically naive and ludicrous as to be laughable. As is the notion of the Tea Party as the John Birch Society.

  3. Republicans calling for Romney to release his records… Frankly, I smell a trap; they want to stoke the fires, so Romney can offer a perfectly reasonable deal; “I’ll be delighted to release my tax returns, just as soon as Obama releases his records; Fast & Furious, college, passport, financials, medical, etc… those are par for the course for any cantidate. Tee up, Mr. President.”

    Unless Romney is hiding something bad, this is the perfect foil, and the D’s are giving him the rope to hang them with.

    1. “Unless Romney is hiding something bad, …”

      Not impossible. But Mr. Squeaky Clean has most likely stayed pretty legit. One thing I bet his tax returns show is the much greater contribution to Charity than Obama or Plugs Biden.

  4. “Transparent” also means “You can’t see it.” That must be the definition Obama went with.

  5. He’s transparent alright, and I recognize transparent, because I just installed some of those new granite windows in my house!

  6. Romney can’t release his tax returns; they’re stapled to Obama’s college transcripts.

  7. I think we need to add to this list secret negotiations for ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. This is one of those bad, and grossly undemocratic policy decisions that Obama didn’t start, but chose to continue.

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