I think it missed the mark. I think the issue is whether the Founding Fathers would have expected an Attorney General to allow a federal agency or state to ship arms across the border to aid an insurgency without the affirmation of Congress in relation to war or Senate affirmation of treaty.
“Dave in Georgia’s” comment is priceless.
Founding Fathers: Son, we did our part. We gave you a republic. Are you going to keep and defend it?
Son: We asked these nine guys/gals in robes to do that for us.
Founding Fathers: What did they say?
Son: “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
Founding Fathers: Son, we did our part. We gave you a republic. Are you going to keep and defend it?
“It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
This is why folks are so riled up at Roberts. It is the exact equivalent of “Are you going to keep and defend it?”
It’s not Obama’s fault. Nor Pelosi’s, nor Boehner’s, nor Sebelius’. Certainly not Roberts’.
It’s ours.
We bought it, we broke it. Roberts is simply telling us that the warranty does not cover misuse by the owner in violation of the product manual and the numerous bright yellow stickers affixed to our purchase.
I think it missed the mark. I think the issue is whether the Founding Fathers would have expected an Attorney General to allow a federal agency or state to ship arms across the border to aid an insurgency without the affirmation of Congress in relation to war or Senate affirmation of treaty.
“Dave in Georgia’s” comment is priceless.
Founding Fathers: Son, we did our part. We gave you a republic. Are you going to keep and defend it?
Son: We asked these nine guys/gals in robes to do that for us.
Founding Fathers: What did they say?
Son: “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
Founding Fathers: Son, we did our part. We gave you a republic. Are you going to keep and defend it?
“It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
This is why folks are so riled up at Roberts. It is the exact equivalent of “Are you going to keep and defend it?”
It’s not Obama’s fault. Nor Pelosi’s, nor Boehner’s, nor Sebelius’. Certainly not Roberts’.
It’s ours.
We bought it, we broke it. Roberts is simply telling us that the warranty does not cover misuse by the owner in violation of the product manual and the numerous bright yellow stickers affixed to our purchase.