We are less than two grand from the goal for the space-safety Kickstarter project. I have an offer from a potential donor to match the next thousand that comes in, which means that the rest of you only have to contribute a thousand on your own over the next two and a half days to get it home. Please, have at it.
26 thoughts on “We’re In Reach Of The Goal”
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If you are a space policy expert why do you have to beg for money online? Shouldn’t this organization pay your salary to produce this report?
I don’t know whether they “should” or not, but they have no funding for this kind of analysis. They can only fund what their donors pay them to fund.
Maybe you should find an organization that has money to fund these things.
What makes you think they exist? What makes you think I haven’t been looking?
You are begging for money on the Internet so apparently no one at these foundations wants to fund you.
Yes, exactly. Do you have some sort of point? Do you think you’re telling me something I don’t know?
Maybe you should find a line of work that is more lucrative.
If my only goal in life was to make money, I would. I’m trying to open up space. And apparently, several people “on the Internet” are willing to fund what I want to do. I still don’t understand your point. I guess you don’t have one.
Mike, you’ve apparently never read to the end of one of Rand’s articles…
Rand Simberg is … a consultant …
Not everyone can do this kind of work which generally doesn’t include a fixed weekly paycheck. I frankly am glad he’s not just another worker drone. We have about 4 million too many worker drones in this country (but wouldn’t have if O’Bummer and cronies weren’t so busy creating and saving.)
Finding lucrative work is good advice. Perhaps you should become Obama’s adviser?
I guess the business as a consultant is not very good right now if he has to beg for money online.
OK, I guess you’re an idiot.
Here’s the deal. I think that this is an important thing to do right now, but I can’t do it if I’m busy doing other things to make money. I’m raising funds to allow me to focus on it instead. How is “begging for money online” any different than seeking out a client who wants this to happen and is willing to pay for it? I’ve sought the client out, I’ve found several dozen of them, so this is my current consulting gig. If you don’t have anything useful to contribute, how about going away to troll and offer insults at someone else’s web site?
What is the point of these organizations like CEI that you claim affiliation with if they don’t give you money to do anything? Why does CEI need to be mentioned at all if they are not giving you any money and you have to raise it to pay yourself? Sounds like a rather backward and misleading affiliation to me.
The point of “these organizations like CEI” is to fund what their donors want them to fund. CEI doesn’t currently have major donors who are interested in space policy, so they can’t pay me to do this kind of thing directly or on a regular basis. But if I find on my own donors on the Internet for a project in which they’re potentially interested and fits in with their organizational charter (free markets and competition), then they will be happy to work with me to publish it as a policy paper and stamp their imprimatur on it, because they trust me as an adjunct scholar. This adds value to the project for the donors, and makes politicians take it more seriously. Even if the donors are just “people from the Internet.”
This is probably a rhetorical question, but are you stupid?
I’m happy to contribute. If you don’t want to, shut up and go away.
Wow, if ever a person deserved to be kicked in the nuts…
Mike Mulaney seems to have some personal insecurities he needs to deal with, but I just wanted to mention that I think this is a great way to raise funding to research an important topic that typical large donors may not be aware of yet.
So … you are an unpaid adjunct scholar with an organization that doesn’t pay people to do work. But if your raise your own money they get the benefit of your free labor. You must really be desperate for some external affiliation – especially when you pick an organization that has no interest in space commerce or utilization. Am *I* stupid. No … but someone else seems to be.
So … you are an unpaid adjunct scholar with an organization that doesn’t pay people to do work.
It does pay people to do work. If just doesn’t have donors for this particular activity. But please, continue to broadcast your ignorance.
But if your raise your own money they get the benefit of your free labor.
They also provide editing support, and publishing of the final product, as well as publicizing it.
You must really be desperate for some external affiliation – especially when you pick an organization that has no interest in space commerce or utilization.
They do have an interest in it. They just don’t currently have donors to fund it. That may change in the future, particularly as I continue to do these sorts of projects.
Don’t you have some traffic to go play in? Why don’t you get a life?
Looks like you have rent money for a while. Given the hatred that spews from most of your postings on this website, I doubt anyone is going to read or pay attention to this report since it will be tainted by your odd views.
Given the hatred that spews from most of your postings on this website
Jeez, the stupidity is just non stop.
Clue to the ass fedora: opinions with which you disagree are not “hatred.”
Mike, if you had a reasonable question that would be one thing, but you are just rude and boorish. Really, shouldn’t you be making more money? Why aren’t you looking for a better job?
The publishing business is what it is. You have a very one dimensional view of business; Money makes a convenient measuring stick but there are a number of other issues that you stupidly ignore. Rand has clearly outlined some of the other dimensions but your continued responses indicate a severe lack of insight. When Rand talks about your stupidity it’s because you are demonstrating a severe case. I’ve deleted my previous posts along these lines because I know Rand is more than capable of handling anything you have to say and I appreciate the focus of Rand’s responses that remind me of when I worked for a company in NY that handled circulation fulfillment for millions of subscribers to various magazine which you would recognize (or perhaps not, there really is no way to know how deep your ignorance is… you may have to display more to discover that?)
Frankly, I’d say Rand is doing pretty well as I remember the rates to writers for published articles (this was years ago) was counted in pennies.
Funny how much time you people spend responding to trolls like me. Most people would either ignore my comments or just ban me. But you people apparently don’t get out of the house very often and this interaction with trolls passes for normal conversation, so it would seem. Get a life.
trolls like me
Poor Mikey. He just wants attention. How sad.
Rand, I see you made your goal! Fantastic news. Congrats.
I would have loved to see what your stretch goals would have been if you’d raised that much.
Ideas for a future Kickstarter: Virgin Galactic ticket raffle. The goal would be the price of a ticket, plus 10% for more property rights think-tank work. One chance to win per $50 put it the pot.
Gratz, man.
Congratulations Rand, you made it and then some!
I finally have those articles/papers scanned in. I will start sending them to you in the next day or so. There were more then I remembered.