Some thoughts on Peter Pan and the Occupy movement.
[Update a few minutes later]
Occupy’s totalitarian temptation. It’s what Leftists do.
Some thoughts on Peter Pan and the Occupy movement.
[Update a few minutes later]
Occupy’s totalitarian temptation. It’s what Leftists do.
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They are just angry and bitter, clinging to their pamphlets and utopian ideas.
I wonder if Charles is aware that many people have a different view of “growing up” than he. Whereas the article seems to imply that becoming an adult is about providing for oneself, most people in our society see that as not nearly enough. Unless you are providing for others, we’re told, you’re just as narcissistic as those protesting for a free ride. In our society, becoming an adult is a euphemism for becoming a beast of burden for the whims of the political class. Although it’s not surprising to see the worker bees complaining that the drones want more honey, one has to wonder: why would anyone want to grow up to be like them?