The Crucifier

…has resigned. But the damage has been done:

EPA was finally persuaded to drop its action against Range, probably out of concern that a federal court might strike down its statutory authority to crucify oil-and-gas companies altogether. That was wise, because EPA already got what it wanted from persecuting Range. The company had to spend $4.2 million defending itself against a totally arbitrary action that could have come down on virtually any oil or gas company. And the industry has taken note.

In fact, as a demonstration meant to instill fear in the oil-and-gas industry, the crucifixion of Range Resources worked precisely as Armendariz intended.

There has to be some kind of legal recourse against this kind of arbitrary action.

7 thoughts on “The Crucifier”

  1. His boss should also be forced to resign for allowing this to happen.

    If history can predict the future, this guy will continue working for Obama in an unofficial capacity like Anita Dunn and Van Jones.

  2. “There has to be some kind of legal recourse against this kind of arbitrary action.”

    The fact that they’ve got this nitwit on tape saying he was to crucify certain companies, and that some EPA Staff acknowledged that Range could NOT be responsible for that with which they were charged looks like good grounds for having it overturned, with recompense for damages.

    The problem is, in our country now, too many companies quit even when they are RIGHT. And the whole “…cheaper to just settle”, might make financial sense, but giving up the moral and legal high ground has cost ALL of us via companies raising prices to cover their legal bills and payouts.

    When did counter-suing for filing false claims or for defamation become illegal in America?

  3. I think the better metaphor is “The Stoning” starring John Cleese who specializes is playing the officious person.

    “Who threw that! C’mon, Who threw that!”

    fingers point

    “It was ‘im . . .”

    “OK, you, to the back of the line!”

    “Are there . . . any women . . . here?”

    (high pitched voice) “No!” (lowered pitch voice) “I mean, nooo.”

    “Do you understand me. No one here is to throw a stone until I blow this whistle! Is this clear? Even if I say the word ‘Jeh . . .” (Cleese ducks a storm of rocks.)

  4. Revoke sovereign immunity in -any- case involving a constitutional violation.

    The companies he “crucified” weren’t receiving due process, just compensation, and did receive cruel and unusual punishments.

    Personally liable for -triple- damages might have random bureaucrats rethinking how asinine they want to be today.

  5. My thinking is that we’re going through a phase of remarkable legal opportunism even by historical standards. The EPA and other bureaucracies have been sitting on this sort of power for decade and have abused it as long. But I think the Obama administration has taken these abuses to a new level. Hopefully, this will result in a massive curbing of their power, but we’ll see.

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