4 thoughts on “James Q. Wilson”

  1. The Obamanoids are killing them off, before the election cycle really gets hot. It’s easier to hide in plain sight, if the guys with magnifying glasses are all dead.

    My question is, who’s next? Limbaugh, or Beck?

    1. Right now Rush Limbaugh is one of the forces standing in the way of righteous outrage degenerating into civil war. We lose hope of winning back this country by civilized means, uncivilized means will be used.

      1. I’m less inclined to advise caution in choosing one’s words, to avoid hyperbole, now that I’ve seen a few months comparative reporting on the TEA party movement, and Occupy Wall Street. Plus, I remember that a Civil War isn’t simply unthinkable, owing the fact that we’ve already had one.

        If there is a Second Civil War, I doubt that it would have any sentimental “brother against brother” stuff written about it. I could easily see it becoming a war of extermination, of one side or the other. If another one starts, we wouldn’t be taking back “this” country, we would be taking back “our” country, and there would be no uncivilized ways of getting rid of pests.

  2. (I cannot believe that I couldn’t get a good argument going on this)(I must be losing my touch)

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