12 thoughts on “Why Mitt May Not Be As Electable As Advertised”

  1. Worse than all the negatives the Tea Partier lists is the fact that Willard has purposefully and conscientiously avoided the Tea Party; he shuns the Tea party.

    Any shred of threat Gingrich has posed to Willard is due to the fact that Gingrich “speaks” to the Tea Party positions.

    Given the horrid Obama term, the Republican candidates should be clobbering Obama in the polls right now. There should be NO WAY Obama is within 15 points of Willard. The fact that he is within 1 point of Willard, is Willard’s fault.

  2. If Romney reads that article, the brain-dead response from him would be say “She wants to vote for Rubio again. Ok, so I’ll give Rubio the nod for VP. Problem solved.”

    1. Why does Rubio keep saying he won’t be VP? He’s the obvious choice, and it’d be the opportunity of a lifetime.

      1. Rubio doesn’t want to be President because he knows Newt and/or Mitt would get waxed like a surfboard against Obama. Between them those two have enough baggage to ground a 777.

        1. If Rubio runs with Romney there’s a good chance that they’d win, and if they lost Rubio would be the presumptive GOP frontrunner in 2016. It’s as close to a no-brainer as there is in politics. Which makes me wonder why he’s being so Shermanesque about not running.

  3. I wonder how Huntsman would have done if he took an interest in the TP. When Republican candidates have their view of the TP shaped by Daily Kos and Huffington Post instead of interacting with the actual TP, they don’t deserve the nomination.

    1. On the bright side, Mitt’s primary contender could have been Mike Huckabee. The former governor of a failed Southern state vs. the former governor of a failed Northern state.

  4. If Romney gets the nomination, it will destroy the Republican Party.

    An awful lot of people are no longer willing to take a bite out of that particular kind of sandwich.

  5. I must have slept through the past month. I didn’t realize that when Gary Johnson pulled out of the Republican race, he declared his intention to run as a Libertarian.

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