Michael Barone isn’t very impressed with Obama’s speech:
What we have here, it seems a president who has no serious interest in public policy. He has spent nearly half his 15 years in public office running for other public office. The only difference now is that, having run out of higher offices to run for, he is just running for reelection instead. Those who pride themselves on belonging to the party of smart people should be embarrassed.
Read all.
Wow, the President really does blame the Internet for taking jobs. This is followed later by a call to raise tax rates to help pay for infrastructure improvements to include more broadband.
And yet close to 50% of the voting electorate things the Dear Leader’s speech was just dandy and hugely logical.
All they hear is “it’s somebody else’s fault that your life sucks — somebody rich!” and “you need more free stuff!”
That’s an insult to thin gruel. Gruel puts nutrients into the body – Obama sucks them out.