45 thoughts on “Eighty Percent Of The American People”

  1. The House and Senate Republicans have the game of chicken they wanted, but unfortunately, they realized too late (or maybe have not yet fully realized) they are trying to play fair against opponents who have absolutely no honesty, scruples, or honor. The USA as we know it (better: knew it) is now very close to being ir-redeemably doomed.

  2. If 80% of the American people know the occupier of the white house is a liar, how does he get a > 20% approval rating? It suggests a massive moral and wisdom deficit that people would approve of a “leader” they know can’t be trusted.

  3. Oh, but he’s not taking about raising taxes, he’s talking about raising revenues…. :-p

  4. He certainly is. I read through some of my library last week and I find he fits into the Humanist Manifesto like a glove. Lie ,cheat, steal. But, fast talk your way through to your personal goals and to hell with everyone.

  5. Heck, 100% of Australians know Julia Gillard, our Prime Minister, is a liar. She told us just before the last election “there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead” and is now implementing one.

  6. Barak Obama is a liar, but I’m not at all sure that he realizes it – he just reads the teleprompter. Who is going to tell him that what he said, 6 months or a year earlier, flatly contradicts what he says today? Besides, he, Nancy and Harry are (in their own minds) doing good, just as the “friends” they help do good. And when they leave office, those “friends” will help them right back, all in support of the cause, to do good.

  7. Canada’s most recent province – Newfoundland – is home to people who say things differently. They have their own idea of candor.
    ‘Lawyers’ is pronounced ‘liars.’

  8. He fits the old adage about salesmen and politicians, if his lips are moving…

    please don’t use Twitter.

    The more people who use that (crap), the more it seems to matter, and the more often I’ll have to hear where Lady Gag-gag ranks as to having “X” number of followers.

    Who gives a rats hat!!!

  9. And more people would conclude that you are a racist tea party nutjob – if people actually read this blog of yours, that is.

  10. Project much, Paul? From the tone of your post, it’s you who is the hater and quite likely a nutjob to boot.

    As for Obama, he may well be correct that 80% of Americans want taxes to increase, but only for someone else. Obama has been saying all along that he only wants to raise taxes on “the rich.” Since most people aren’t rich, why should they care? Of course, there aren’t nearly enough rich people to pay for all of the existing entitlement programs much less Obama’s new one.

    The reality of the matter is that we’re selling our children’s and grandchildren’s future to buy stuff we can’t afford today. We maxing our our credit lines with the full intention of stiffing them with the bill. They’re going to curse all our names for screwing them this way.

  11. It is logical that Randy’s fellow knuckle dragging sycophants would chime in to support him.

  12. They’re not “sycophants,” Paully. They’re just people who recognize trolls.

    And Leg Humpers.

  13. What is really funny is how easy it is to get you right wing Simbergians to get all hot and bothered by someone who is simply interested in pulling your chains … tee hee hee

  14. Well, someone had their chain pulled and is barking up a storm. I guess when you call his man a liar, he can’t handle the truth.

  15. We’re neither hot, nor bothered, Paully.

    You seem to have trouble accurately discerning the emotions of others, fantasizing that we “hate,” or that we are upset. Are you autistic? There are therapies for that, assuming that you’re able to function at some level. It’s not clear that you are, though.

  16. Project much, Paul? Do you ever listen to yourself?

    Paul Smith Says:

    July 17th, 2011 at 11:02 am
    And more people would conclude that you are a racist tea party nutjob – if people actually read this blog of yours, that is.

    Paul Smith Says:

    July 17th, 2011 at 3:29 pm
    Hate much, Simberg? Lots of self-loathing going on here. Must really suck to be you.

    Paul Smith Says:

    July 18th, 2011 at 9:24 am
    It is logical that Randy’s fellow knuckle dragging sycophants would chime in to support him.

    Paul Smith Says:

    July 18th, 2011 at 12:17 pm
    What is really funny is how easy it is to get you right wing Simbergians to get all hot and bothered by someone who is simply interested in pulling your chains … tee hee hee

    Paul Smith Says:

    July 18th, 2011 at 12:51 pm
    Oooh name calling. What have autistic people done to you? What a tough guy you are.

  17. This is hilarious – I post little comments and readers on this website actually spend serious time trying to debate a troll!

  18. Not much substance (as in none) to debate the troll about. Does make for a nice game of soccer… Pauly must get all the girls with his manly “tee hee hee.”

  19. Actually, it kind of reminds me of that cheese commercial. Anybody have odds that he’ll come back one day with a substantive argument?

  20. And your goal is what, Mr. “Smith”? To make an ass of yourself? Success! Make anyone who disagrees with you feel bad? Hardly, all you get is derision, from people who can handle, with finesse, style, and accurate answers, trolls posting walls of talking points. What have you got? A third grade mentality, that’s it. You turn people off of any position you may care to espouse, so you get nothing for it except maybe some primitive satisfaction at the mistaken belief that you’ve actually wasted anyone’s time. It doesn’t take much at all to mock you, and you have nothing to debate, so you are a complete failure.

    Kinda like your whole life, at that. Choke on that, hungry little troll-baby, and then post your next meaningless little attack. Or you could just hold your breath and turn blue. No one cares.

  21. you folks are so easy to goad into troll feeding.

    He says that like it’s a bad thing.

    “Oh, it was so easy to goad the police into arresting me after I started kicking people on the street…tee hee hee”

  22. you all must have rather empty lonely lives if you take this much time to feed trolls. You have reinforced my views in this regard. Cheers!

  23. Ain’t no thing — it’s great entertainment, just like your mom. Sorry I had to leave her by the side of the road – I know you’re still pissed about having to pick her up; it shows. Kiss her for me, with tongue (that way she knows it’s from me.)

  24. That explains why she was so loose. I found her on the side of the road. After I was disappointed I put her back where I found her.

  25. Hilarious, Rand. This is what passes as acceptable posting behavior on your website “I did your mom” jokes?. I can see why SFF gave you that “journalism” award now.

  26. Troll shoots back from the hip and… FAIL
    Back to elementary grammar and spelling for troll.

  27. PS… We’re only too happy to add meaning to your life. Try getting out of the house for awhile.

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