4 thoughts on “The More You Understand It”

  1. But, isn’t it precious how a bunch of social scientists, when confronted by the evidence – that the more qualified you are, the less likely you are to buy into the narrative of doom – determine that it must be some kind of psycho-cultural phenomenon rather than the simpler possibility that the narrative is wrong.

  2. BTW speaking of doom predictions it looks like the doomsday from running out of Rare Earths has been postponed for a century or ten 🙂


    Huge deposits of rare earth minerals discovered in Pacific Ocean
    Jul. 4, 2011 (3:30 pm)
    By: Matthew Humphries

    [[[The deposits are so rich they are thought to increase our reserves by 1000x. Current reserves are estimated at 110 million tonnes, but this new discovery adds another 100 billion tons.]]]

    Gee, the global supply just multiplied by 1000! Time to flood the world with cheap iPad and Macs!

    I wonder how China will take it now that their control of the global supply has gone from 97% to .097 of 1 percent as Tahiti and Hawaii are set to become the major source of Rare Earths. Let the Rare Earth rush begin! 🙂

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