Things That Are Supposed To Make Me Feel Old

…but don’t. The problem is, I don’t even know who many of these people are, and I’ve never used most of the products. What this makes me feel is out of touch with popular culture. Not that I care.

[Update a few minutes later]

Analyzing the important thing: the physics of clown cars.

My question is, how many congresspeople can you fit into one?

[Both via Geek Press]

23 thoughts on “Things That Are Supposed To Make Me Feel Old”

  1. I think that first website was supposed to be a new take on the e-mails that circulate in August and September, about “the incoming College Freshman wasn’t alive when X happened”.

    Those e-mails are better put-together, though, since they tend to focus on events that happened or pop culture references that are finally 18 years old. That website bounces all over the place with “this was only 10 years ago, but this was 26 years ago, and this was 23 years ago”, and is an incoherent mess, IMNSHO.

  2. I lived through those times, and most of those pictures have me asking “Who are these people? And why should I care?”

    I didn’t watch much television then, and none now.

    @John B: +1 🙂

  3. “My question is, how many congresspeople can you fit into one?”

    Just one — there’s room for a dozen clowns, but only one ego…

  4. I remember most of that stuff, my kids were teens in that time frame, didn’t care about most of it THEN, care even less NOW.

    I always wanted a clown car! Actually, anyone with a VW Beetle and 8 friends when I was in HS, HAD a clown car. My personal record is 9 people in a ’68 beetle.

  5. “My question is, how many congresspeople can you fit into one?”

    Well, I guess it depends on whether or not you care for their comfort. I.e., all 535.

  6. The clown car might not be in particularly good shape after 535 congresspeople, but congress would be in about the best shape it’s ever been in.

  7. “My question is, how many congresspeople can you fit into [a clown car]?”

    Not enough, unfortunately. 🙁

    Maybe with a really big shoehorn ….

    And then drive it over a really high cliff.

  8. You don’t drive it over a cliff. You park it, full, under an ACME brand safe hanging on a visibly fraying rope.

    As for the first site, who does it intend to “make feel old”? I ignored most of those so-called “celebrities” when they were supposedly famous, and the passage of time has only shown that my decisions and instincts were the correct ones.

  9. Well, when I was a boy we didn’t have a space shuttle to get all excited about. We had to settle for people walking around on the crummy old moon.

  10. My 21 year old son used to watch “Clarissa Explains It All” on Nickelodeon. It’s hard for me to believe she’s 31, because some of my best friends are younger than that.

  11. Meh. I didn’t pay attention to those people the first time around. Even less interested in them now.

    Best decision I have made recently was to get rid of the TV. Don’t miss it in the least.

  12. Depends also whether they have to show up or not. You can fit a lot of absent congresscritters into a clown car.

  13. When I was attending college the first time, in 1976, one of the local chessplayers had a Ford Pinto station wagon that he used to drive a group of 7 adults(physically only) around to the chess tournaments in the region, along with lots of food, drink, and of course our chessboards. I was about 80 pounds lighter then, but some of the gang were pretty overweight.
    The car was rather packed, but it was fun though…

  14. It is hard to watch Game of Thrones with no TV.

    But reading the books isn’t a problem ;). BTW – is it still a book if you read it on a Kindle? Of course, now, there’s an app to watch HBO content on an iPhone/iPad, so you don’t even need a TV watch it.

  15. Hey, you know what else is from the 90s? My car! It’s a 1995 Toyota Tercel. I can’t feel old if I’m driving something from that era that still has working a/c.

  16. BTW, if you use one of those food dehydrators and vacuum bag packing things I’ll bet you could easily get all of Congress in a clown car.

    What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?

  17. BTW, if you use one of those food dehydrators and vacuum bag packing things I’ll bet you could easily get all of Congress in a clown car.

    What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?

    Actually, I was thinking of those big smashers they use in junkyards to crush cars…

  18. Food dehydrators, vacuum-packing, car crushers… The real question, of course, is,



    Which, 15-18 years from now, will likely end up on the list of “cultural phenomena of the late Oughts”, along with “the Internet… remember that archaic thing?”

  19. I never heard of Clarissa. Never drank Surge, but heard of it. Don’t recognize the photo in #11 is from. I know I’ve seen the game show host in #25, but I can’t place her name – I think she was Simon Cowell’s charm school teacher. Who’s the divorced couple in #26?

    I’ll bet the person who concocted the list is not old enough to remember Reagan’s reelection.

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