The cuts represent less than 2 percent of the total budget, less than 4 percent of the deficit, and less than 5 percent of discretionary spending, which rose in real terms by 75 percent from 2000 to 2010 and by about 9 percent in each of the last two fiscal years. If the House-approved reductions would be “the largest one-year cuts in history,” as the folks at Every Child Matters say, that is a sad commentary not on Republican cold-heartedness but on the fiscal incontinence of both parties.
They squeal like stuck pigs at pinpricks.
Looks like you have mismatched quotes (‘ & “) in your link that are throwing off the whole page.
They understand that slippery slopes really are slippery, so they make big noise over these tiny things so the much bigger ones, however necessary, might be deterred.
2% cut, but they will remind us that rates used to be as high as 90%, so why not raise them 5% or 10%?
Ask public servants to pay 5% of their pay for benefits and retirement, and they storm the capitol building and lay seige for weeks.
Yea, just look at how New Spacers scream when their pet programs are cut : -)
Yea, just look at how New Spacers scream when their pet programs are cut : -)
I can’t hear them over your belly aching whines about cowboy’s not getting funding to write poetry. And then every now and then it is
If I could slap you, I would. I’d suspect an Airplane! line behind me, ready to try and snap you back to reality, with obvious no hope of success.
Mr. Matula will protect himself from your slaps with his mighty
[[[[[[[[[BRACKETS OF DOOM]]]]]]]]]]]]]
I figure he calls them up like Pokemon armor.
A lot of politics is about pain avoidance. So if the Borg make this much noise on a measly $61 B out of a $3.7 T budget after a $223 B deficit in February alone, why not go for the whole enchilada right now? They certainly can’t whine any louder. Time to start schwacking away at entire agencies. I vote for EPA, FDA, Interior, BATFE, NOAA, Education, USDA up to bat first. But that’s just me…… Cheers –
[[[I can’t hear them over your belly aching whines about cowboy’s not getting funding to write poetry. And then every now and then it is]]]
As usual you are twisting what I say. I merely pointed out Senator Reid was being a true Senator by speaking up in defense even for those who voted against him. Personally I think the poets behavior should be consisted with the independence they talk about in their poetry – which means they shouldn’t be asking for federal handouts.
But to make it clear, since you seem dense. Once you are elected to office in America you are expected to represent ALL of those in your district/state, not just those who voted for you… That is one of the reasons most Tea Party candidates are failing in office…
Bat puckey. Explain how to represent both the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panther Party.
Yeah, I’d like an explanation too.
“Bat puckey. Explain how to represent both the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panther Party.”
Be a Democrat.
Be a Democrat.
Or Thomas Matula…
Those are national organizations with national agendas. Different then the constituents in a districts.
But if you are one of the dwindling number of Tea Party supporters you wouldn’t understand what a constituent is and why they are important.
Come to think of it, that is why New Spacers also have so much trouble with space policy. Like the Tea Party they try to swim upstream against the nature flow of the political process.
He’s just completely batshit delusional now, Rand.
Leland, he hasn’t said anything crazier than Chris Matthews. I…err..well, ok.
Nor Rachel Maddow.
So how many hit points in each [[[BRACKET OF DOOM]]]? We need to know this to determine the length of the conga line.
Sooo…. Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panther Party are never constituents? Do you have a list of others you’d like to share?
Is it only tea party members that are not allowed to take a position or is it anyone that might disagree with you?
You are the final arbiter? Could I be your constituent and you represent me?
Nah, Leland had the better suggestion.
[[[ ]]] Its a habit from the old internet days when different browsers displayed quote marks much differently.