Dispatch From Another Planet

On the fortieth anniversary of Doonesbury, Gary Trudeau provides an interview that inadvertently reveals why the strip hasn’t been worth reading for years:

Believe it or not, Obama’s very tough for business. The contradictory characterizations of him as fascist or socialist only serve to confirm the truth—he’s a raging moderate. And satirists don’t do well with moderates, especially thoughtful ones. In addition, Obama rarely makes gaffes and has no salient physical or temperamental features. And sinking popularity isn’t a critique. Even SNL’s main rap on him is his unflappability, hardly a vice in a world leader.

Even ignoring the absurdity that being a fascist and being a socialist are contradictory, where to begin? “Rarely makes gaffes”? Is he kidding?

17 thoughts on “Dispatch From Another Planet”

  1. His strips are starting to contain a little bit more of that punch we saw during the Bush years as Republicans are about to become more numerous in congress.

  2. The contradictory characterizations of him Hitler as fascist or socialist only serve to confirm the truth—he’s a raging moderate.

    Note, this isn’t Godwin. I’m not comparing Obama to Hitler. But Hitler is often described as fascist, yet the party he lead to power was Socialist. So by Trudeau’s characterization, Hitler was a raging moderate.

    Alas, Rand’s correct. Doonesbury isn’t worth the time.

  3. Why is Peanuts gone while Doonesbury still twitches?

    Doonesbury readers are in NY apartments; Peanuts readers are in cemetaries.

  4. He sounds depressed. Also his defense of Obama sounds perfunctory, as if he’s disgusted with the man but feels obliged to put out. Must be a common feeling among Democrats these days.

  5. The strips where Trudeau attempt to be hip amongst veterans makes my stomach turn as one myself.

    There is nothing sadder than an aging poseur hipster.

  6. Peanuts is still around. The old strips are still being reprinted. I wonder if that will be true of Doonsebury after Trudeau retires.

  7. One of these decades I’m actually going to look this up, but I wonder if the Nazi’s were actually “socialist” or if they just used the label the same way the “Democratic” Party uses their label.

    Government ownership of large corporations ala Italian Fascism, or direct ownership of the ‘means of production’ ala Leninism/Stalinism? Neither very productive, in general, of course.

  8. Why is Peanuts gone while Doonesbury still twitches?

    because Charles M Schultz is dead, but Gary Trudeau is merely moribund?

  9. Government ownership of large corporations ala Italian Fascism, or direct ownership of the ‘means of production’ ala Leninism/Stalinism? Neither very productive, in general, of course.

    Problem there is that “socialist” can include either, viz. the Fabians. You’re groping for the distinction between theoretical Marxist Communism, and socialism/fascism as actually practiced.

  10. Rick C Says: “…check Trudeau’s drink for roofies.

    Wow man, date rape drugs? Oh right, memory loss!


  11. The label should be “Statist.” The fundamental view that all problems can be fixed by more government. The discrepancy is NASA. (And I think he thinks government has better things to be doing. NASA’s not in his top 20.)

  12. Mr. Obama is “tough for business.” Yes, many would agree that is the case (cue snare-drum rim shot).

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