The Real Islamaphobes

Why won’t the press stand up for Molly Norris?

Freedom of speech and press are in deep trouble when the American government thinks the best it can do to protect a journalist from death threats is to counsel her to go into hiding, and when the elite voices of American journalism can’t be bothered to say anything in her defense. But it’s actually worse than that. The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof thinks Muslims are owed an apology. “I hereby apologize to Muslims for the wave of bigotry and simple nuttiness that has lately been directed at you,” he wrote Sunday. “The venom on the airwaves, equating Muslims with terrorists, should embarrass us more than you.”

Instead of telling the rest of us that we’re all bigots, shouldn’t Kristof and the rest of the journalism profession be outraged by what has happened to Molly Norris? And shouldn’t they be angered that her government believes it cannot protect her? Imagine what they would be saying if white-hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan were threatening to kill Norris in Selma, Ala., instead of radical Muslims in Seattle. Would the FBI tell Norris she had to stop being a journalist and go into hiding? And would ASNE and SPJ look the other way as the First Amendment and freedom of the press were symbolically turned to ashes by flaming white crosses?


8 thoughts on “The Real Islamaphobes”

  1. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 people like Bill Maher lost their jobs because of the stupid things they said. After nine years, the blame America crowd of cowards has fully reemerged with no worries that their idiocy will get them canned. This is just one more symptom of our country’s dysfunction.

    When it comes to the destruction of our country they are ‘for it.’ We allow taxpayer money to the tune of I don’t know how many billions to fund it. We absolutely need to elect enough ‘extremists’ that love our country before it’s too late.

  2. From the article:

    Freedom of speech and press are in deep trouble when the American government thinks the best it can do to protect a journalist from death threats is to counsel her to go into hiding, and when the elite voices of American journalism can’t be bothered to say anything in her defense. But it’s actually worse than that. The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof thinks Muslims are owed an apology. “I hereby apologize to Muslims for the wave of bigotry and simple nuttiness that has lately been directed at you,” he wrote Sunday. “The venom on the airwaves, equating Muslims with terrorists, should embarrass us more than you.”

    I hereby apologize to all Americans for the pathetic and treasonous drivel that is churned out daily by Kristof and the NYT.

  3. Why does anyone think the government of this – or any other country for that matter – is interested in protecting its individuals on an individual basis?

    Perhaps the KKK should put out a contract, (so sorry, fatwah) on Mr. Kristof and we’ll see how long it takes him to bleat about it. I bet he’d get protection up the wazoo! This is NOT an incitement to action but an attempt to put Mr. Kristof in the position of Molly Norris. Perhaps some of his attitudes would be changed by such an experience. Maybe he should be sent to Afghanistan to see with his own eyes what is happening.

    I am fed up to the back teeth with apologists and appeasers. Appeasement got Europe into WW II; a “negotiated ” settlement made two Koreas etc etc. At some point we have to say; “This far and no further”. I think we have reached this point and I also think the rise of the tea party movement may eventually reflect this.

  4. Molly needs to get herself a gun. Lean to use it, and shoot dead the next asshat islamist that thinks he’s going to intimidate and threaten her life.

  5. If somebody really wants to kill you, going into hiding is probably your best option.

    There’s a reason why the government has a witness protection program, instead of throwing a permanent cordon of FBI agents around every witness.

    We could pretend this wasn’t so, and that a great nation should be able to reliably shield every citizen that gets death threats.

    But it probably isn’t true.

  6. Sorry, Will, but I hold with the Talmud: “If a rodef comes to kill you, get up early and kill him first.”

  7. Why does anyone think the government of this – or any other country for that matter – is interested in protecting its individuals on an individual basis?

    Because protecting its citizens, each and every individual where ever in the world they may be, is the central and perhaps only reason for having a government. Not allowing them the means of protecting themselves would be a dereliction.

    If a citizen has to go into hiding, the government should pursue a course of action that would limit how long that would be. We give asylum to foreigners; should we not do at least that much for our own citizens?

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