…and change:
With so many Democrats running against the president’s agenda in the midterm, change will come in the next Congress, regardless of which party is in control.
Yup. If they run against this now, but don’t support repeal and reversal if they win, there will be new cudgels to beat them with in 2012, as not only Obama supporters, but liars.
Rand Simberg wrote:
Yup. If they run against this now, but don’t support repeal and reversal if they win, there will be new cudgels to beat them with in 2012, as not only Obama supporters, but liars.
We wish. They’ll just pull a Bart Stupak — vote for the bill and then retire to spend more time with their families. And then another “conversative” Democrat will come along with the same song and dance.
What? Cynical? Who, me? It’s not like I don’t have a reason to be.
They’ll change their tune this year to try and get reelected, then forget all about it next year when they think no one is looking.
I’m w/ Larry and Michael. What makes anyone think that ANY politician’s word is good?
But one big difference between Dems and GOP—if the GOP has a majority, they’ll control the chairmanships. There won’t be a Nancy Pelosi, browbeating recalcitrant Dems into line in the name of “Party solidarity” and “Do it for Obama.”
THAT has to be worth something, if you’re going to put the brakes on Obamacare and cap-n-trade II and all the other “goodies” that the Obama Administration would like to see in its next two years.
The lame duck session is going to be a riot though.
Still a long time before the election.
Yeah. I don’t care how “conservative” the Blue Puppies might claim to be, ultimately they are the ones whose votes put Pelosi and Frank and Conyers and all the rest of those clowns in charge, and for that they need to have their noses rubbed into the mess they made, good and hard.