25 thoughts on “A Scientific Experiment”

  1. In the spirit of bi-partisan scientific sharing, I will recommend not duplicating this experiment with dogs. It doesn’t matter WHERE in the room they are, the results are ugly.

  2. There’s a funny story about men and cats I saw once.

    If a guy has one cat, but not any dogs, well that’s ok; he’s just a guy with a cat.

    If he has two cats, it’s like well, uhh, one cat keeps the other cat company while the guy is at work.

    But once the guy has three cats, then he becomes that weird guy with all the cats.

  3. The pseudo-code is:

    IF (#_of_cats - #_of_people > 1)
    THEN you = crazy_cat_person

  4. I have evidence which refutes your hypothesis. My first cat LOVED refried beans. Licking-out-the-pot-on-the-stove loved them.

    It almost seems that every cat has one “weird food” they like, just to give owners something to talk about.

  5. There’s a funny story about men and cats I saw once.

    “If a guy has one cat, but not any dogs, well that’s ok; he’s just a guy with a cat.

    If he has two cats, it’s like well, uhh, one cat keeps the other cat company while the guy is at work.

    But once the guy has three cats, then he becomes that weird guy with all the cats.”

    Uh-oh. I’m the weird guy with all the cats. Although I never intended to have one. An alley cat who adopted me had four kittens under my kitchen table. I decided to rescue the momcat from the streets and keep her as a pet, and keep one of the kittens to be her companion; but I was only able to get one of the kittens into a no-kill shelter, and attempts to find homes for the others never panned out. The Momcat eventually died, and I was left as the step-daddy for her three remaining kids. If anyone were to tell me taht’s weird I would say, “So sue me for not drowning the kittens or just shoving them all back into the alley.”

  6. Referring to weird cat foods, I had a cat that liked turkey jerky, cheese salsa and Coolwhip. Not all mixed together, just liked them as occasional snacks. I can sort of figure the cheese and the turkey bits, but there is no dairy product at all in Coolwhip and I don’t get that at all. I thought cats were supposed to be finicky.

  7. I have evidence which refutes your hypothesis. My first cat LOVED refried beans. Licking-out-the-pot-on-the-stove loved them.

    Well, so much for peer review affirmation. Rand, you should try Nature; they’ll probably accept it.

  8. But once the guy has three cats, then he becomes that weird guy with all the cats.

    Fortunately I don’t have any cats. However my wife is that weird lady with all the cats.

    Which I suppose makes me that poor guy married to that weird lady with all the cats.

    What a difference one degree of separation can make.

  9. But once the guy has three cats, then he becomes that weird guy with all the cats.

    No, then they’re just your Unholy Army of the Night (q.v. Simpsons “kitty house”). Oh wait…

    Fortunately, the same algorithm does not apply to dogs, does it? What if they’re the same breed?

  10. Peas. I have a cat who likes to eat peas. And play with them too. The mighty huntress.

  11. My cat will eat her hairballs out of the rug she likes to back-wallow on but I cannot get her to eat a sardine.


  12. I had a cat who loved canned mushrooms (but not fresh) and drained crushed pineapple (not mixed together, of course).

    The weirdest one loved dried apricots. Give him a choice between dried apricots and raw hamburger, and he chose (actually, went nuts for) the apricots.

    The cat who liked pineapple also had his own jar of peanut butter – I like chunky, but he spit out the peanut bits, so he had his own jar of smooth.

    They make life so joyous. 😀

  13. One of our Siamese had a passion for cantaloupe. She’d claw at the pantry door if there were rinds left in the wastebasket inside.

    Our Himalayan, who was considerably younger than the breeder purported him to be when we bought him, sucked the tip of his tail his entire (and sadly abbreviated) life. When he was six months old the end of his tail looked as if it had been dipped in bleach.

    Like Chris’ cat, our tortie is a tail-stalker.

  14. Danae, this is off topic, but how in the heck is your name pronounced? I’ve always wondered. Because it’s so beautiful in writing. I’d hate to screw it up saying it. Just sayin’…

  15. I like to sleep outdoors under the stars. Once, a stray cat decided my back was the purrfect sleeping spot even with dogs in the yard that would have eaten it. I’m not crazy about cats, but I kept the dogs away anyway.

  16. So glad I looked in again to see the adorable kitten in the tube. Thanks, Titus!

    Rand, it sounds just like “Danny.”

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