Liberty? Freedom?

“What’s that?,” asks Harry Reid:

Reid said he understands why some are angry at government and Washington during an economic recession that cost people jobs and sent the home foreclosure rates skyrocketing.

But he expressed confusion about what the Tea Party movement wants when its members call for more liberty and freedom and cite the Constitution in denouncing what they see as an expansion of the federal government, including with health care reform.

“The people who are really upset don’t really know why they’re upset,” Reid said.

“What do they mean?” Reid said he wonders when they call for more liberty and freedom. “I’m happy to talk about issues.”

“They want things to be the way they used to be,” Reid said. “They will never be the way they used to be.”

Well, I’m glad that I have intellectual betters like Harry Reid to tell me why I’m really upset.

Is he really this clueless, or does he just play it on teevee?

And did he notice that he could only get one percent of the number to turn out for his campaign start as showed up to protest him a week and a half ago? Oh, well. He’ll get a chance to spend more time with his family in a few months.

[Update a while later]

Harry Reid’s son is also going down in flames in his race for governor.


16 thoughts on “Liberty? Freedom?”

  1. Huh? Whoa? What’s going on here? I though the Left was supposed to be the party of empathy…

  2. He used to be a cop and a boxer, so shut up and move along, nothing to see here, just justice as usual.

  3. I’m guessing all those Tea Party people asking WHERE in the Constitution does it say that the citizens can be FORCED to buy “X” product, or go to jail, was too subtle for Sen Reid?

    Or maybe it was those who questioned going ass deep in debt to China, to bail out Wall Street that he didn’t hear about?

    Or perhaps, he was absent the last two years when the Porkulus was talked about, then passed in spite of wide spread screaming from the tax payers and then no more jobs fell outta the sky as predicted by his Messiah?

    He knows what has people hopping mad.

    But still, if you question your opponents motivations often enough, you can make your supporters think you really DO know what you are talking about. Unfortunately for him, he has fewer and fewer supporters.

  4. Reid doesn’t understand why people who want freedom and liberty would be unhappy with ObamaCare, because in his twisted world view ObamaCare increases freedom. He thinks we’re less free when we have to make all these important decisions for ourselves.

    He probably also thinks most people leave Nevada casinos richer than they went in.

  5. Unfortunately, he may be more realistic where it counts:

    Reid dismissed polls that show him running behind his top potential Republican opponents seven months before Election Day. He said the early opinion surveys are not relevant because they are one-on-one matchups while there will be more than a half-dozen candidates on the ballot in November, including Reid, the GOP nominee, several nonpartisan contenders, and one each from the Independent American Party and the Tea Party of Nevada if Scott Ashjian stays in the race.

    He might not know or care what liberty is, but I bet he does have a good idea of how to win reelection.

  6. Karl, the polls I’ve seen include “Other” in addition to Dem vs. Rep — I’m not so sure he’s anymore en-clue-ified (he coined cromulently) about the election than he is on liberty or just WTF was in that bill of his.

  7. McGehee,
    ‘en-clue-ified’, has a certain…truthiness to it. I like it, can I use it, if I give you credit?

    BTW, Harry “no I didn’t” Reid doesn’t have any clues or truth. And if the voters of NV re-elect him, they should be made to walk from Spotlight, to Vegas, naked, in the day time, without water, with a scorpion stapled to their…uh…um…yeah, down their.

  8. I suppose big words like “Constitutional” or “liberty” give Harry problems, the same way he couldn’t understand “win” in Iraq.

    Maybe we should hire zombie-slayers for the Nevada elections?

    Naahhh, Justice Stevens would rule it unconstitutional, or at least unfair, unless the slayers registered their shotguns.

  9. “The people who are really upset don’t really know why they’re upset,” Reid said.

    Last year they were “really upset” because Obama is black. So, at least this is a step up, amirite?

  10. Ah, the VAT. All the bureaucracy of the income tax plus stealth! The taxes get added to the price of everything we buy so we’re supposed to get mad at the “greedy corporations” instead of the “greedy politicians”.

    Anyone who thinks the VAT will replace any of the existing taxes is a fool. It’ll add to the long line of taxes we already pay.

    Funny how the idea of balancing the budget by reducing spending never makes the cut.

  11. Funny how the idea of balancing the budget by reducing spending never makes the cut.

    Huh? What? I’ve never heard of such a thing!!!! We’ve NEVER reduced spending – that’s how we buy things. DUH!!!!

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