Hope! And Not Change!


Has Obama given up on ObamaCare?

If so, the anger at the political incompetence of the White House on the Hill among the Dems will go incandescent.

Plus, a bonus. A compendium of presidential (and presidential candidate) liesbroken promises, about health care. And it doesn’t even include my favorite: “If you like your current insurance, you’ll be able to keep it.” Well, I’m currently self insured. I’m not going to be allowed to keep it. Unless this monstrosity craters, and note the title of the post.

12 thoughts on “Hope! And Not Change!”

  1. The only plausibility I can see is the eventual line: “What, me push through Health Care? No, no, that was the Senate, I was willing to wait.”

  2. Mighty suspicious that this news is “leaked” just after the bill clears the final party line cloture vote. It feels like a sucker punch.

  3. Fishy. I’m more and more inclined to take such things as evidence of incompetence and/or self-interest, but the stakes are too important not to consider the possibility that some sort of PR manipulation or head-fake is going on here.

    But my “Hopey!” side is thinking that, behind the scenes, maybe they don’t have the votes locked down in the Senate after all, or perhaps the House Democrats aren’t lining up behind the necessary conference compromises even with Pelosi’s armtwisting.

    If that’s the case, Obama could be preemptively distancing himself from Congress before the whole thing implodes, in order to keep it from tarnishing his own image. (That would be a self-interest interpretation.)

  4. When you suggested ‘Dems will go incandescent” my thoughts turned to Lee Harvey Oswald and John Kennedy. Oswald is reputed to have shot Kennedy because the president wasn’t leftist enough.

  5. When you suggested ‘Dems will go incandescent” my thoughts turned to Lee Harvey Oswald and John Kennedy. Oswald is reputed to have shot Kennedy because the president wasn’t leftist enough.

    Finally the right-wing wet dream is stated simply and clearly. Keep dreaming.

  6. @ Dave: Your idea of a “right-wing wet dream” tells us more about you than it does about the right wing. In reality the last thing Obama opponents want is for anything bad to happen to Obama personally, because then he becomes a martyr and his destructive schemes could be passed by Congress based on shear sympathy. (Also: President Biden!)

  7. Finally the right-wing wet dream is stated simply and clearly

    Yes, the “right-wing wet dream” is for Obama to be assassinated because he was insufficiently left wing, as the previous poster postulated. If that is truly the case, how can you blame the “right wing” for it?

    Do morons like you even read what you type?

  8. If they somehow pass this giant pile of dung I can see a new class of insurance outlaws arising — people who won’t buy insurance and won’t pay the fine. So the govt will prosecute them? Good luck with that. The Democrats are assuming that everyone will have to eat the Congressional dog food, but what’s more likely is that wealthy people will pay cash or go offshore for health services, the nomenklatura will receive high-quality care at public expense as they do now, and everyone else will suffer longer waits, worse service, higher death rates and higher costs. The only beneficiaries will be the pols, unions and trial lawyers. And Americans are just going to accept this situation forever, because it will be too difficult to repeal the new laws? I think it’s more likely that public resentment eventually overcomes any ratchet effects or political inertia. The Democrats are fools to think that they can impose their will against the will of an energetic and outraged plurality of voters.

  9. Obamite response to anyone pointing out the constant stream of b.s. coming out of O’s mouth: “Yeah, but Bush! WMDs!”

    Holding off on DemCare until February is plausible. Wait for the news cycle to cool off, distract everyone with some crazy economic scheme, and then pass what seems like a watered-down “compromise” version of the bill in the dead of night.

  10. If they somehow pass this giant pile of dung I can see a new class of insurance outlaws arising — people who won’t buy insurance and won’t pay the fine. So the govt will prosecute them? Good luck with that.

    Like MLK said: flood the courts, embrace the prisons.

  11. The way they’ve put ‘failure to pay’ in there, it comes out the say way failure to pay taxes does. No trials – just liens, garnishing, and reposessions until you qualify for the “free” health care.

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