Wanted: honesty in the health-care debate.
President Barack Obama walked into the Oval Office with a veritable halo over his head. In the eyes of his backers, he could say or do no wrong because he had evidently descended directly from heaven to return celestial order to our fallen world. Oprah declared his tongue to be “dipped in the unvarnished truth.” Newsweek editor Evan Thomas averred that Obama “stands above the country and above the world as a sort of a God.”
But when it comes to health care reform, with every passing day, Obama seems less God and more demagogue, uttering not transcendental truths, but bald-faced lies. Here are the top five lies that His Awesomeness has told—the first two for no reason other than to get elected and the next three to sell socialized medicine to a wary nation.
Read the whole thing. Though it’s a little harsh. He’s sufficiently ignorant of economics and other matters that he may have persuaded himself to believe the nonsense.
Based on what he’s done, how anyone could say, with a straight face, he’s not a Socialist beggars the imagination.
I’m still debating in my own mind if he’s a Marxist, a Socialist or somewhere in between.