4 thoughts on “A Sensible Socialist”

  1. Another great article. I was just talking about the difference between socialism and fascism with a colleague who grew up in Poland. I admitted that I don’t have a firm grip of exactly what that is, but with more and more commentators talking about it I’m beginning to get an idea: in layman’s terms, it means taking Chicago-style “machine” politics national. At least for this administration.

  2. Fascism. You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

    Rejection of democracy, glorification and sanctification of violence and extreme nationalism were some of the *defining* characteristics of Fascism as an actual self defined political movement.

    Using it as a sloppy synonym for “more collectivist than Rand Simberg” makes you sound like a mirror image of the leftists that would label all manifestations of authoritarianism or right wing politics they disliked as fascism.

  3. You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

    Right back atcha.

    Rejection of democracy, glorification and sanctification of violence and extreme nationalism were some of the *defining* characteristics of Fascism as an actual self defined political movement.


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