I’ve heard of black panthers, and white tigers, but never a black tiger.
Al Franken (to paraphrase his (in)famous book, I say that “Al Franken Is A Buck-Toothed Moron”) was a member of the roundtable on “This Week” this morning (another sign of its continuing deterioration). As Instapundit notes, one of his comments was that: “We live in an America where the number one rapper is white, and the number one golfer is black.”
While I understand his point, and it makes for a nice soundbite, it’s not true, and it points up the absurdity of our continued national focus on race.
While Tiger may be more “black” than Trent Lott, he doesn’t consider himself to be so at all. As Radley Balko pointed out, one of the refreshing things about him is his refusal to play the race game. He’s not a black golfer, or even a black-asian golfer–he’s just a good golfer, probably the best in the world.
I look forward to the day when it’s no longer useful or interesting, to anyone, to hyphenate people based on their ancestry to make political commentary.