Comments Hygiene Note

I finally got fed up with “jack lee” today. The last-straw comment can be viewed here. He will no longer be endimmening us with his ignorance and stupidity, at least with that IP address.

Commenting here is not a right. It is a privilege, and one that he has been abusing (as he abused our intelligence) for years. No more.

4 thoughts on “Comments Hygiene Note”

  1. Mr. Simberg,

    I applaud your decision. If someone were to come into my house and proceed to make an ass of themselves, they would be summarily asked to leave. Since we commenters are guests of you our host, you certainly have the same right.

    As an over-the-hill engineer whose tolerance for fools diminishes with each passing day, I would have done this a lot sooner.

  2. Well, Rand, you’re more than welcome to ban jack lee from commenting, but I have to say his particular comments in this particular case didn’t seem that over-the-top to me.

    In particular, the notion that the economics of prostitution is driven by the desire by customers for “no strings attached” rather than the simple need to have sex (as soon as possible) long predates Charlie Sheen.

    Consider Eliot Spitzer and his adventure with the Emperor’s Club. Was sex with Ashley Dupré really 100 times better than with an Amsterdam prostitute? No — the point is that the more powerful or wealthy the man (or woman), the more you have to pay to make someone “go away” after sex. I don’t see why this is controversial. It’s just a fact of life.


  3. the point is that the more powerful or wealthy the man (or woman), the more you have to pay to make someone “go away” after sex. I don’t see why this is controversial. It’s just a fact of life.

    It’s not in any way controversial. It was simply irrelevant to the point of my post (as most of “jack lee’s” comments are). The particular cause of my banning him was when he (as usual) felt compelled to use it as an opportunity to bash Republicans, lumping in Charlie Sheen with Tom Delay and “jeff gannon” [sic] (as though no Democrat has ever used the service of a prostitute, and again, completely irrelevant to the point of the post, and something that he did often, but will do no more, at least at this site). I was also annoyed (as I always was) by his stupid, stupid question, like “why don’t I ask Charlie Sheen about it” as though I should give a damn what Charlie Sheen thinks about something that has zero relevance to the post.

    I just finally had my fill, after years of that kind of trolling and nonsense.

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