Some of you may have noticed that the site was down for most of the day. Apparently my host lost their net connection. I wasn’t getting email either, but all seems to be well again now.
Posting will be light for the next couple of days–I’m preparing for a meeting that I’ll be attending most of the day tomorrow.
In the meantime, enjoy Mark Steyn’s latest, in which he blasts the European elites as impotent poseurs. Nothing new there, but he finds a way to say it in a new and entertaining way.
I wonder if the rest of the anti-Yank set have thought it through. When they bitch about America?s warmongering but think the UN?s the perfect vehicle to restrain it, you know they?re just posing, and that, though they may routinely say that ?Bush frightens me?, they?re not frightened at all. America could project itself anywhere and blow up anything, but it doesn?t. It could tell the UN to go fuck itself, but it?s not that impolite. Imagine any previous power of the last thousand years with America?s unrivalled hegemony and unparalleled military superiority in a unipolar world with nothing to stand in its way but UN resolutions. Pick whoever you like: the Soviet Union, Imperial Japan, the Third Reich, the Habsburgs, Tsarist Russia, Napoleon, Spain, the Vikings. That?s really ?frightening?. I?ve now read a gazillion columns beginning, ?He?s a dangerous madman with weapons of mass destruction. No, not Saddam. George W. Bush.? It barely works as a joke never mind a real threat. The fact that, in all the torrent of anti-Americanism, there?s no serious thought given to how to reverse it nor any urgency about doing so tells you precisely how frightening and dangerous these folks really think the Great Satan is.