Back To Work, Sort Of

Some of you perhaps noticed that I took yesterday off. As I said, I had little substantive to say on the occasion that I hadn’t been saying all along for the past year, and I figured I’d let you focus on all the folks who did. Some bloggers used it as an opportunity to take their best shots, and hope that the hyperfrenetic Instantman would offer them a cherished link. I chose to honor the day by doing nothing. Well, except paying work.

I’ve not warned anyone about this previously, because I feared that, amidst the general emotional environment of this week’s anniversary, the news might set off panic in the streets, and send the Dow plunging once again, but I’m going to Maui next week, and will be posting lightly, or not at all. So yesterday was just a taste of transterrestrial withdrawal, as a way of easing my loyal readers into it.

Fortunately, there are many better sites out there, many of them listed to the left, so you won’t be bereft of commentary. And I’ll be back on the 23rd. I’ll be posting some for the next couple days, but I didn’t want to shock anyone with the news on Friday night.