September 11

I have little to say. I’m not big on anniversaries anyway, given that they’re actually just random contingent events, resulting from the distance of the earth from the Sun. And I’ve been talking about it, on and off, for much of the last year. And I have a lot of (non-blogging) work to do.

I grieve for those who lost loved ones a year ago, but, more importantly, I fear for those who may lose loved ones in the future. I fear that our government isn’t up to the task of preventing further atrocities, further outrages, because a year later, it appears to remain more concerned with bureaucratic empire-building, self-aggrandizement, and local pork than with preventing a repeat of what happened a year ago.

I hope that appearances are wrong, and that at some point, we clarify the nature of the war in which we are engaged. It isn’t a war against terrorism. It is a war against a radical belief system that is ideologically opposed to almost everything upon which our nation and civilization is based. Until it, and the governments that support it, are defeated decisively, the war will not be over, and we will not truly be able to feel safe again.

That is all.