6 thoughts on “Tenth Anniversary”

  1. If the charge is “Obstruction of Justice” wouldn’t
    numerous Bush Administration officials also
    be subject to this and numerous higher

  2. In Clinton’s case the underlying justice being obstructed was that of a citizen seeking her day in court against the most powerful man in the free world, for an actual, honest-to-goodness tort covered by laws the defendant supported.

  3. I guess it’s a sign — whenever you guys run out of ideas, it’s back to Clinton. It’s so last century.

    Really, nothing at all in the Bush administration to protest? The firing of attorneys? Valerie Plame? The Cheney energy commission meetings? The intelligence failure around Iraq? Even the freakin’ 9/11 report?

    I’ll admit Clinton was guilty. We spent millions of dollars uncovering it, and he was impeached. He was acquitted by due process. If you guys are so rational and fair-minded, where’s the outrage over anything that happened in the last 8 years? Does even one thing during that time bother you?

  4. Clinton was acquitted because of partisanship by his own party, guaranteeing that there would never be enough votes to convict. And spinelessness by the opposition, unwilling to risk political heat for pressing an impeachment already spun in popular image into something it was not.

    The charges against Bush, OTOH, are a stack of lies and distortions. Accusing him of things he never did, or distorting the facts of events he was dealing with. His real failings, failure to stand against the rabid left, will never be brought forth by the drive by media.

  5. Clinton was acquitted because of partisanship by his own party, guaranteeing that there would never be enough votes to convict.

    Another way of looking at it is that he was acquitted because enough Republicans voted ‘not guilty’. In any case, a vote is a vote — you can fume all you want about the motives of different senators, but in the end that’s how the system works and he was acquitted.

    distorting the facts of events he was dealing with

    Nah, the distortions were coming from the Bush administration itself. WMD, the ‘smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud’, Saddam partnering with Al Qaeda — now there’s a stack of lies.

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