Whale In A Barrel

Meet Tim Blair, with his fisking atomizer.

[Late morning update]

Mark Steyn piles on:

I’d certainly like him to fix my toilet, and would be willing to chip in the Greyhound fare up to New Hampshire. Given the amount of lead in his prose, Mr Egan would seem to be a natural pipe fitter.

In related news: Chicago Trib seeking to avoid bankruptcy; Miami Herald’s principal asset is the lot the building is on; S&P downgrades New York Times to junk.

Much of the media certainly deserve to die, notwithstanding that even quality publications can’t hold off the onslaught of the Internet, but I still long for the days when a New York Times was worth reading.

[Early afternoon update]

We knew this was coming: a proposed federal bailout for writers. I agree with Mark Steyn:

But what about the legions of American satirists about to be laid off because fellows like Pinsky are writing stuff like this for real?

To paraphrase Lili Tomlin, no matter how satirical I get, I can’t keep up.

[Bumped to the top]

5 thoughts on “Whale In A Barrel”

  1. Love the title “Typing without a Clue”. I literally had tears laughing so hard. Egan wrote this…

    Joe, a k a Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, was no good as a citizen, having failed to pay his full share of taxes, no good as a plumber, not being fully credentialed, and not even any good as a faux American icon.

    the same day his publisher is having to mortgage its property to pay idiots like Egan:


  2. > no good as a plumber, not being fully credentialed

    Of course, the evidence doesn’t support the claim.

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