Daddy Warblogs (aka Steve Chapman, and no fan of the US war efforts in general) has a bracing little rant about the double standards at the UN vis a vis the Middle East (though of course that’s by no means the only venue in which such hypocrisy appears). And the Professor weighs in as well.
Definitely read Steve’s err…disquisition, but from Glenn:
I notice a certain selective indignation among the U.S. “peace” crowd, too. And if you point out that Arab nations, almost without exception, act horribly, you get the usual bogus accusations of racism in response.
The most disgusting thing about these leftist tactics is their “pot, kettle, black” quality. The real racism is not in pointing out deficiencies in the Arab nations, and expecting them to improve, but rather, in giving them a pass, and holding them to lower standards than the state (which really is a state, where people, even Arabs, you know, like vote and stuff, as opposed to all the other Arab thugocracies) of Israel.