Terrorism From The Ninth Circuit?

Tapped says we all should be outraged over this column by Cal Thomas.

On the eve of our great national birthday party and in the aftermath of Sept. 11, when millions of us turned to God and prayed for forgiveness of individual and corporate sins and asked for His protection against future attacks, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has inflicted on this nation what many will conclude is a greater injury than that caused by the terrorists.

Well, like all aspects of this pledge deal, I’m having trouble getting very worked up over it. If he’d said, “I believe it’s a greater injury…” then I might say, what an idiot. But he’s simply saying that many will conclude that, which may, as far as I know, be perfectly true.

Some people get pretty upset about God, and his name, and taking it in vain, and saying it or not saying it. I’m not one of them, though I try not to needlessly offend people whose beliefs differ from mine.

And to be honest, while I don’t think that this particular decision is all that big a deal, I do think that bad judicial decisions can, and have, damaged more property and killed more people than the Islamists could dream of doing.

[Update at 12:46 PM PDT]

Orrin Judd agrees with Cal. Or at least he’s one of the people that Cal’s talking about.