23 thoughts on “She’s The New Fred Thompson”

  1. One more Sarah ImPalin fact needed, Mr. Simberg.

    WWSPD should simply release the surgeon’s/obstetrician’s report on the birth of Trigg. That would immediately terminate the rumors that are running riot on the internets . Why keep the rumor mill fed when she could so easily abort them?

    For the life of me, I can’t figure out why she doesn’t.

  2. “WWSPD should simply release the surgeon’s/obstetrician’s report on the birth of Trigg. That would immediately terminate the rumors that are running riot on the internets . Why keep the rumor mill fed when she could so easily abort them?

    For the life of me, I can’t figure out why she doesn’t.”

    But then the leftards would have to quit damaging themselves with this lie. Better for her they keep digging the hole deeper.

    “Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.”

  3. Napoleon,

    I’m not sure I understand that logic.

    But then again I have to consider the source.

  4. “I’m not sure I understand that logic.”

    We are sure you don’t understand that or any logic for that matter. Why should this be any different?

    Here is the shovel, go back to digging your hole.

  5. My, my, You are tickled Ken?!

    You are really going to have to be determined and keep those spirits up as long as Sarah ImPalin hangs like an albatross around McCain’s non-existent neck. What a great choice! How wonderfully vetted! What an excellent preview of wars to come! Of governance by impulse!

    An excellent start. Laughing it off is excellent therapy, as John would say, with a little sneer, my friend.

  6. Sorry, Fright, for not responding to your ‘thoughts’…

    Let me do so now…

    ha ha haahhhaahhaahhahahhhahahahahahh ROFLMAO.

    Help me. I can’t get up.

    HE he hee.

  7. To this day I don’t understand by TM attracts so many Leftist trolls, but they’ve REALLY gotten stirred up over Palin. Can’t tell if that’s good or bad (for libertarian me) …

    All I know is, “Good luck, Sarah, and try not to let the Lefty haters get you down. Especially good luck to Sarah’s children, who are less prepared than she to deal with all this, and deserving only of our protection.”

  8. It’s simple Brock, as the old farmers around here would say Sarah Palin has them “scared $hitless”

  9. “To this day I don’t understand by TM attracts so many Leftist trolls,”

    Because Glenn does not allow posts so they use Rand as a surrogate.

    I don’t know why they bother. We are too intelligent to not see thru their ruse. Their inferior arguments and empty rhetoric is swaying no opinions.

  10. Oh, one more thing:

    Someone earlier asked in the comments whether the Republicans/Conservatives/Conservative-Leaning-Independents
    would be reacting the same to a Democratic nominee with similar experience to Sarah Palin.

    It’s a funny question to ask; the rest of her family is apparently made up of political independents, _not_ Republicans, and since she’s spent a great deal of her career in Alaska locking horns with the Republican establishment there, I expect she could just as easily have run as a Democrat. If the Democrats had sobered up and stopped marginalizing their centrists… but I digress.

    I feel I should answer the question, though.

    IF this were an Obama/Palin ticket… I think I’d be scared. I think I’d probably be as scared as the average Dem activist apparently is, based on the response.

    Although I’d like to think that I wouldn’t be SHITTING myself in public in a blind panic the way y’all seem to be doing.

  11. “WWSPD should simply release the surgeon’s/obstetrician’s report on the birth of Trigg. That would immediately terminate the rumors that are running riot on the internets . Why keep the rumor mill fed when she could so easily abort them?

    For the life of me, I can’t figure out why she doesn’t.”

    Because she has precisely zero obligation to respond to adolescent horseshit, that’s why.

    Although I don’t mind indulging you, in the interest of furthering your education.

  12. Frightened for Sarah Palin wrote: Napoleon, I’m not sure I understand that logic.

    Fine, I’ll spell it out for you.

    People who actually believe this crap are firmly in Obama camp already. They will never vote for McCain, regardless of obstetrician’s reports. OTOH, people who are still undecided (and ALL campaigning is about the “still undecided”) are far more likely to be pushed into McCain camp out of sheer disgust with the smear, than into Obama camp through being swayed by that smear. Hence it troglodytes spewing out garbage about Palin’s daughter is to McCain’s advantage.

  13. Someone earlier asked in the comments whether the Republicans/Conservatives/Conservative-Leaning-Independents would be reacting the same to a Democratic nominee with similar experience to Sarah Palin.

    This isn’t an academic exercise, just look back to 1984 when Geraldine Ferraro was the Democrat’s VP pick. At the time, she had 5 years experience in the House of Representatives and that was about it. She was lauded by the Democrats.

    It’d be interesting to do a comparison of some of the long-time pundits to see what they wrote about Ferraro then verses Palin today. It’d probably take some expensive searches on Lexus-Nexus type archives to find articles that old. My hunch is that many of the ones questioning Palin’s experience today were praising Ferraro back then.

  14. It is really amusing to see how picking Palin as VP candidate has driven the far left of the edge. I said it before, these guys are now apoplectic. Their messiah pissed away his VP choice and campaign, and now they are beside themselves. If they keep this up, I might just donate money to McCain for providing the pure entertainment value.

  15. “WWSPD should simply release the surgeon’s/obstetrician’s report on the birth of Trigg. That would immediately terminate the rumors that are running riot on the internets . Why keep the rumor mill fed when she could so easily abort them?

    For the life of me, I can’t figure out why she doesn’t.”

    Because the doorknobs who truly believe the ‘rumor’ would just claim the records were falsified. They sound a lot like the ones who still don’t believe we went to the moon…

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