All of the increased airport security (and more likely, fear of irate passengers) has apparently dissuaded the Arabs (and little old swedish ladies, and six-year-old kids) from hijacking any more airplanes.
How the mighty have fallen–instead of driving an aircraft full of Jet-A into skyscrapers at six hundred miles an hour, they’ve been reduced to driving barges into bridges at five miles an hour.
The accident occured when Joe Dedmon, the 61-year-old pilot of a towboat pushing two barges side-by-side, apparently blacked out at the helm, said Joel Henderson, a spokesman for Magnolia Marine Transport Co., which owns the boat.
“Blacked out at the helm,” eh?
Sounds mighty suspicious to me.
Do they mean “chloraformed at the helm by Islamic scuba divers”?
Dedmon appears to have passed out for about two minutes and was unable to steer the barges through the river channel under the bridge, Henderson said. Nobody was on hand to take the helm from him.
Well, of course not, they slipped back into the river after they diverted the barge…
[slowly extracting tongue from cheek]