I’ll Bet He Is

Bill says he’s “full of regret” that he didn’t get bin Laden. No doubt, as he continues to watch the vestiges of his “legacy” spin down the old crapper.

“I thought that my virtual obsession with him was well placed, and I was full of regret that I didn’t get him,” he said.

I can’t stand to watch Larry King, but I’d be willing to bet that this statement was not challenged in any way by the sycophantic softballmeister.

“Virtual obsession”?

Like when he told the Sudanese to ship him to Saudi Arabia instead of taking custody of him? Like when he sent a few cruise missiles into empty Afghan terrorist camps? Maybe such ineffective and inattentive actions are why he calls it a “virtual” obsession. It’s certainly not the mark of a real one.

We know what his real obsessions are, and they have nothing to do with either terrorism specifically, or national security in general. And amidst all the big-money speeches, and mindless fawning females, he no doubt continues to indulge them.